Jan 2012 Product

Your First Online Sale
Starting an online business is by no means an easy task but with a little bit of research and the right tools used, an online business can turn into a successful endeavor. Persistence and knowledge are the first requirements of thought when considering an online business. In this book you will get all the knowledge you need to get your business on the right track.
There are no quick ways to get rich doing on line business and certainly no short cuts like tagging on an already ongoing scenario that promises unbelievable income for doing virtually nothing. Thus when choosing the type of business to venture into online, one should definitely avoid the above types.
Some of the elements that should be considered are having a suitable website or blog site, having a good and high quality product that can be depended upon, an adequate and simple payment system, the task of building a strong email list and the high traffic flow needed to ensure the success of the endeavor.
The designing of the websites usually require the individual to have some prior knowledge of the style in mind for the product. Alternatively consulting experts or simply getting input from those more experienced will help the individual design a website or blog site most appropriate for the said product.
The product chosen to be featured must also have the capabilities that would attract the target audience intended. This product should ideally be able to stand out or even outdo its competitors when a comparison is made by the potential customer. When this has been successfully done, having an accessible payment system is equally important is not vital to the whole process. Using established payment systems such as PayPal, Google check out, 1 shopping cart and others.
Building an email list and finding ways to direct traffic to the site where the product is being sold is crucial to the success of the online business. Without serious thought and effort put into this phase of the business the probability of failure is eminent.
Today’s ever discerning customer is indeed sometimes hard to please, thus all efforts must be made to retain a customer at the level of loyalty which would ensure repeat revenue for the business endeavor.
and much more.......
Master Resale Rights License Terms:
-Yes can be sold
-Yes can sell resale rights or master resell rights
-You can add the product into your product bundle or package and sell for a higher price
-Yes can be added to a paid membership site
-You CAN give the product away for FREE
-You CANNOT offer the product as a bonus to another product you are selling. However, you can offer other bonuses to this product when selling
-You CANNOT sell the product on auction sites such as eBay.com
-You CANNOT use nor sell this product in a dime sale event, under any circumstances at all. An event that constitutes a dime sale is one whereby the product starts selling at a very low price and increases every dime after a certain time frame or with every purchase using the dime sale script.