Feb 2012 Product

What Steve Jobs Taught Us
This ebook contain the following contents
Steve Jobss Basics
Have Passion
Learn To Communicate
Learn to Relate
Build A Community
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Steve Jobss Basics
Being fiercely private about his personal life, he was popularly known for continuously steering any interview session to ensure the focus was on Apple and its journey.
Among other things Steve Jobs was also known for his super individualistic style, anti political stand, while being mostly a libertarian at heart, he would take any opportunity to discredit any and all economic doctrines whenever possible if it did not conform to his unique thought processes. This of course either rightly or wrongly perceived him to be constantly against a society where conformist behavior patterns are the order of the day.
Adopting the styles where interaction and sharing of ideas was the basics of the work teams, Steve Jobs often encouraged a varied group of individual of all levels within the organization to talk, discuss, and argue about ideas being tabled. In this way he would then be able to gauge the sentiments and acceptability of anything being designed or to be launched.
Exploring this particular style is definitely an advantage that should be adopted and practiced as often as possible within any organization as the participation of varied mindsets is both informative and beneficial.
Have Passion
In order to be successful at anything one must have the ingredient of passion in the mix. Without this very vital ingredient many projects or endeavors have run aground at the very first hint of trouble. However for some this passion may seem apparent and even evident but it should not as is often done be mistaken for enthusiasm.
There are several ways to know if one is really passionate about a particular endeavor. Below are just some indications that are worth exploring to ensure one has what it takes to succeed:
Once a project has been identified and the interest is apparent in seeing the project to its end, the individual should start the process of learning as much as possible about the varied aspects of the said project. This will give the interested party an idea of what the project requires on every level until the end is reached. It will also give the individual a chance to evaluate his or her interests against the possible problems that the project presents. If the confidence and passion is still not shaken or diminished even a little then there is a good possibility that the project chosen is a suitable match for the individual.
ï‚· Being around other people who have the same interest and still feel the desire to explore further into the said interest is another good indication of the level of passion available for commitment. Living and breathing as some would refer to the sentiment required to be passionate about something will be very apparent when there is a strong desire to be immersed in the interest to the fullest.
Being able to spend a large portion of one’s time devoted to the endeavor also is being passionate about it. When the time spent is considered pleasurable, the level of passion is evident. However being overly consumed with being immersed with the interest could also project some level of unhealthy passion, especially when the commitment is disruptive to other aspects of the individual’s life.
Learn To Communicate
Communication is an effective and necessary tool to employ when trying to carry out any endeavor or project successfully. However the effectiveness of the communication plays a very important role towards the smoothness and achievable standards of any endeavor.
The importance of effective communication should never be underestimated not disregarded if complete success is to be achieved.
Understanding that people generally respond in a variety of ways to the various style of communication is perhaps a very important advantage to acknowledge.
Using one style of communication for everyone and everything is both unwise and can contribute to a lot of wasted time and effort. Also choosing the best communication methods will allow the intended message to be clearly conveyed and properly understood so that whatever is required can be done with minimal or no mistakes at all.
Some tasks may require written communications while others would be better addressed with a more interactive style like verbal communication, and yet other may require some form of visual or a combination of visual and audio communication. Thus finding out which style best suits the situation is very important indeed.
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