June 2012 Product

Web Traffic Explosion
This ebook contain the following contents
So you know that you need lots of traffic to have a successful website, and I'm not talking about the four wheeled kind that rumbles around outside...
You probably also know that not all traffic is equal. You can have a million visitors to your site, but if they are not targeted visitors then it's unlikely that many will do what you want them to do – opt-in to your mailing list, or buy your products.
Targeted traffic is the life blood of every website and every online business. You cannot survive without it, but if you CAN find the people who are just aching to get hold of what you’re offering and then find a way of getting them onto your website - you’re going to make a lot of money!
It sounds simple enough, but traffic generation is something that a lot of internet marketers seem to struggle with, which is where this book comes in.
Some of the methods and strategies we’re going to cover you’ll probably have come across before, whilst others will most likely be new to you.
Look - creating targeted traffic isn’t difficult, but in my opinion it’s probably THE most essential skill in the arsenal of any internet marketer. Once you know how to do it, you’ll never look back. Use the methods in this report consistently and you WILL generate a lot of traffic – whenever you need it, and in many cases on autopilot.
When I first started out online I took a pretty half hearted approach to traffic generation. I almost expected the visitors to come to me, rather than me having to go out looking for them.
Of course they WILL come to you, but you’ll have to put some work in first. It’s all covered right here in this book, the methods and strategies that form the backbone of my own online business and which you too can begin using in yours.
The traffic you need is out there, you just need to be shown how to get it in front of your website... Enjoy the report.
Some of the best ways I know of generating traffic have been around for years. They’re not particularly sexy or glamorous BUT they do work.
Generate Traffic From Blogging
Blogs are a wonderful way of getting traffic and building relationships – either with your own blog or through other peoples.
l Blog Commenting
This is one of my personal favorites and it works extremely well.
Visit other blogs in your niche and then add comments to posts which you feel you can contribute to (this can be a question, challenge, feedback, or an addition to the post).
The secret is to make your comments engaging and thoughtful, and then include a link in the box provided back to your website.
The chances are you’ll already know some popular blogs in your niche, but if you don’t then they’re easy to find using Google.
How to Get Traffic From Forums
Forum marketing is an excellent way to generate traffic for free, whilst once again boosting your reputation and making you seem like an expert in your field. Get it wrong however and you may find yourself being banned from the forums quite easily, but get it right and in my experience you’ll see some pretty good results.
Forum marketing is a great traffic generation method. Not only can you get good backlinks from your keyword rich signature, you will also get lots of curious people clicking through your signature link, and it opens up many opportunities to network with people.
Article Marketing With a Twist
Ask any internet marketer how they generate their traffic and there’s a pretty good chance that article marketing will be somewhere on the list.
It’s the old classic – yet these days a lot of people know that article marketing is not as effective as it used to be. So, putting your articles on a site like
EzineArticles.com is not really using them to their full potential. It’s still worth doing this, but I have found you get better results through something called Content Syndication Article Marketing.
And much more...
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