April 2013 Product

Vitamin Vitality
This ebook contain the folloiwing contents
Table Of Contents
The Role Of Vitamins For Body Nutrition
The Risk Of Vitamin DeficienciesTypes Of Vitamins
Types Of Vitamins
Source Of Vitamins From Food
Choosing The Right Vitamins
Vitamins For Infant
Vitamins For Adult
Vitamins For Senior
Avoid Vitamins Overdose
Most people today depend on vitamins to give their body all the necessary elements to keep the body working at its optimum. The dependency on vitamins is mainly due to the fact that there is often no time for a person to stop and have a well balanced meal and a lot of food choices today are definitely do not make up the complete vitamin body needs. Get all the info you need here.
The Role Of Vitamins For Body Nutrition
The vitamins are essential nutrients, which are part of a necessary process that helps to release energy from foods within its makeup and from those consumed to keep the skin, nerves and red blood cells in constant rejuvenating mode.
The two types of vitamin groups would be categorized as fat soluble vitamins and water soluble vitamins. The fat soluble vitamins are vitamins A, D, E, and K and they are all usually found in the fat content in foods. Sources of these may also be found in food items such as vegetable oils, nut, egg yolk, fish oil, whole grains and deep green leafy vegetables.
As for the water soluble vitamins these come in the form of vitamin B, C, and B complex. Containing elements such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, biotin and Pantothenic acid which are all what the body needs to carry out specific functions to ensure optimum working if all the body systems.
The Risk Of Vitamin Deficiencies
Vitamin consumption has not yet reached the ideal where anyone and everyone is able to get the body’s daily needs on a regular basis. Some of the reasons include the high cost of supplements and minerals, the inappropriate diet plans, the lack of nutritional food intake, the lack of availability of fresh food produce such as fresh vegetables and fruits and of course the ever prevalent consumption choice of unhealthy food items.
Types Of Vitamins
Getting all the body’s nutrient requirements can be done so through the consumption of vitamins on a daily or regulated basis. There are two basic categories of vitamins which are water-soluble and fatsoluble.
The water soluble vitamins would be vitamins B and C, while the fat soluble one would be Vitamins A, D, E, and K. the water soluble vitamins would be flushed out of the body system on a regular basis, thus the need to consume daily doses of this type group.
Source Of Vitamins From Food
Although natural foods are rich in a variety of vitamins, it should be noted that a lot of these vitamins are lost due to storage, cooking and handling. Therefore it is important to take careful care of the natural food items so that the integrity of the item is kept intact. Some vitamins should not be taken with other medications and some combinations of vitamins are also not suitable.
Choosing The Right Vitamins
Even the most comprehensive diet plan often fall short of meeting all the daily needs of nutrition intake for anyone from children to adults. Some of the reasons for these imbalances are such as improper diets plans, too much fast and convenient food consumption, not enough fruits and vegetables being featured prominently in the daily diet. Here is where the nutritional support of the vitamins can come in handy. However it would be a folly to simply assume and all vitamins are suitable for everyone alike.
Some considerations should be made such as lifestyles, availability of natural food products, individual health concerns and may other factor that play a dominant role in deciding the suitable vitamin choice to be consumed
Vitamins For Infant
It has long been an established fact, that most infants who feed on breast milk really do have a complete and wholesome nutritional balanced diet and the parents do not have to worry about any lack.
However in recent years, research has shown that a lot of pregnant and lactating women do not follow a complete and healthy diet plan for themselves and this in turn affects the infant overall health.
In some cases there may be need to supplement an infant diet plan with specifically identified vitamins. Under no circumstances should an infant be fed with over the counter vitamins without the approval of an experienced medical practitioner.
Vitamins For Adult
Most adults today are not able to get the complete nutritional needs from their daily diet plan due to a variety of reasons. Even if the most healthy choices of foods are prepared and consumed daily, it does not necessarily mean that the optimum nutritional intake if achieved.
Vitamins For Senior
For the senior person creating and sticking to an ideal diet plan for that age group can be quite a challenge. This is because there are many connective factors that dictate the well being of those in this age group.
These contributing factors may include the use of medication for certain ailments, the lack of energy or interest to prepare nutritional meals especially if it for only one person’s consumption, no access to shopping for fresh produce and financial constraints.
Avoid Vitamins Overdose
There are a lot of reasons people tend to overdose on vitamins, and in some cases they are not even aware of this condition until it shows up in some medical test which is brought on by an illness. Overdosing could be due to a number of reasons and most are simply due to the individual being careless or ill informed.
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