Dec 2010 Product

Video Sales Revealed
The typical youngster thinks who browses to your text filled Internet Marketing sales page.
Discover the secrets of video Selling
If there's one thing the YouTube generation expects, it's to be entertained.
They HATE reading... with a passion!
When was the last time you saw kids relaxing with a good book? Be honest!
It almost never happens.
The modern attention span is just completely incompatible with long form sales copy.
And, It's Not Just The Youngsters...
Reading through reams and reams of text online is hard.
Computer screens just aren't made for reading packed sales copy.
The world today screams out three things:
They need the information quicker (yes, straight to the point!)
They need to be able to consume the information without effort (no reading)
How can you possibly address these three concerns, and still make sales?
You Need To Be Using Video
Video is an excellent attention grabber and can really add instant sparkle to any boring sales page.
It can even replace the sales page (you can get away with just a video and Buy Button).
In the right niche, video is just so unusual, customers feel compelled to buy.
You can even bring the old jaded customers into your sales funnel this way.
It's all about being different, and, believe me, being different sells!
But Surely Using Video Is Too Complex?
That's probably the first thing you're thinking if you've never filmed a video in your life.
It's going to be difficult, and it's going to take a lot of time.
That needn't be the case if you know how to take a few shortcuts, and how to hit the ground running with your first video.
You really can produce a video based sales page in less time than it would take you to type the equivalent page.
Get The Answers Now In Video Sales Revealed
Fresh off the presses, this new Special Report shows you how you can make more money with video and improve your sales.
When you purchase Video Sales Revealed right now, you'll find out...
The 5 precise reasons why you should use video on your sales letter (quality yourself for any one of these and you're ready to rock and roll)
Why you don't need fancy equipment to produce your videos, and the commonplace device that you probably have next to you right now,
which will do just the job you need
The simple scripting technique that will help you to plan your video - and get the sale - all with three minutes of effort or less
A simple 14 step process that will have you creating your video, putting it live on the sales page, and even split testing alternatives, all without missing a beat
Precisely how to get video created for you on the cheap, using underutilised resources found in every town and city
The exact file type information you need to save your video and have it perfectly formatted for your web site
And much more...
Master Resell Rights Terms & Conditions
[NO] May be given away for FREE
[NO] May be added to FREE membership sites
[NO] May be sold on auction sites
[NO] May claim original copyright
[NO] May sell Private Label Rights
[YES] May sell at your own price, suggested price - $9.97
[YES] Can put your name on the sales page
[YES] May be added to PAID membership sites or training sites
[YES] May be converted into multi-media products and sold
[YES] May be offered as with personal use rights as a bonus or packaged with other PAID products – 5 PRODUCTS MAXIMUM CAN BE BUNDLED
[YES] Can be in PAID firesales ONLY UP TO 5 PRODUCTS
[YES] May sell Personal Use Rights to others
[YES] May sell Resell Rights to others
[YES] May sell Master Resell Rights to others