Feb 2011 Product

Twit Vader
"Once Apon A Time...In A Galaxy Far Far Away....Awe Who Am I Kidding? Who Else Wants To Own A Brand New Software That Completely Automates 'Following' On Twitter, Based On YOUR Keyword Searches?"
Grab A Copy Today Of This Brand New Software That Is So Easy To Use, A 5 Year Old child Can Use It To Build And EMPIRE Of Followers On Twitter!
Watch The Short Video given in this product As I Show You How You Can Easily Use This Desktop Software To Automatically Follow Thousands Of People In ANY Niche.
Private Label Rights License Terms:
[YES] Comes with UBot developer's script[YES] Can Claim full ownership
[YES] Can be added to paid membership sites
[YES] Can be packaged with other products
[YES] Can be sold
[YES] Can be offered through auction sites
[YES] Can be given to list subscribers
[YES] Can be given away on public download
[YES] Can sell Private Label Rights
[YES] Sales Letter Included