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June 2012 Product

Twitter Basics For Internet Marketers

Twitter Basics For Internet Marketers

This ebook contain the following contents

Sign Up to Twitter
Edit Your Profile
Change Your Background
Tour of Twitter
Getting Followers
Making Tweets
Twitter Mistakes
Making Tweets... The Right Way
Sign Up To Twitter
The first stage is obviously to sign up to Twitter and create an account.
Since this is so straightforward I won’t go into a huge amount of detail but there are some important things to note.
To get started go to and click on the “sign up” button (or similar). Note that the Twitter homepage does change from time to time but it should be pretty obvious.
You will then be taken to a page similar to below:
The one thing to mention is that your username will become your Twitter address ( and also your @username, so make sure that you choose something appropriate and easy for people to remember!
Twitter Basics... For Internet Marketers 
A lot of people choose either their own name or the name of the business.
If the username you had in mind isn’t available try a variation on it, for example by adding an underscore between words or by adding a number 1 after the username.
Edit Your Profile
Click on “Profile” at the top and you will see it on the screen. Since you have just created a new account this shouldn’t have much on it yet apart from the details you created at sign-up.
Click on “edit your profile” and you will be taken to a screen like the one below:
Twitter Basics... For Internet Marketers 7
Let`s look at each field in turn:
ï‚· Your profile picture. It is generally a good idea to upload your own profile picture rather than using the standard default Twitter pic. Doing so makes your profile seem more personable and memorable to other users. People just naturally like to put a face to a name. If it’s a company profile then you could upload your company logo for example instead.
ï‚· Name. This should already be filled in from the information you gave when you signed up. If it’s blank then add your name.
ï‚· Location. Again people like to know whereabouts you are so make sure you fill this in.
ï‚· Web. Enter your primary website address here. This can be any website you choose – so it could be your blog or a link to a product you sell. Do make sure that you fill this in though because it can provide you with an excellent source of traffic.
ï‚· Bio. This is your chance to sell yourself. Type out a few words describing who you are, what you do and why people should follow you. 
Change Your Background
If you so desire it is also possible to change the background of your profile. There are several pre-designed ones that Twitter provide or you could upload your own.
Uploading your own background image has the advantage that you can make it unique to yourself. Many people incorporate text or advertising into their background (so you could list your products or services or show your website address for example). Such a background can be seen being used on the profile in the image below:
 Twitter Basics... For Internet Marketers
Tour of Twitter
If you’re not familiar with Twitter there are some things to get your head around.
General Tweets
A tweet may be up to 140 characters in length. It can contain any character type, including hyperlinks.
@Username Tweets
By typing @ and then the person’s username (@username) followed by your message, you can send a tweet directly to another user. Your tweet will be visible to everyone (not just the person or people you are sending it at) but enables you to include them in the conversation.
And much more...
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