Sept 2012 Product

Training A Dog For Show
This ebook contain the following contents
Dog Shows
I’m a beginner, Now what?
Training your Dogs
Taking Care of Your Show dog
Feeding you Dog 10
Types of Dog Shows
Dog Show Categories
What is being judged?
Why smaller breeds?
What to do on the big day?
What goes on at a dog show?
How can I know what dog show is for me?
Selecting a Dog Show
What to remember?
What about the handlers?
Common Terminologies
Our dogs have so many potentials and skills that we could find so many ways to tap into them. While some dogs express themselves in races, not all of our beloved pooches could run the race track without any harm coming upon them. Thus we need to let out imagination travel and see our precious pooch getting that much coveted ribbon! Where better to win that ribbon but in a dog show?
Mankind has always been close with dogs and been breeding them for ages. Thus, dog breeding has come a long way and through the years produced breeds that have unique physical appearance and traits much to the delight of everyone. And since we have always been in awe with the things around us and pretty much want to let everyone know what beautiful things we have gave rise event most towns and cities have like livestock shows, cat shows and of course, dog shows.
Dog Shows
The dogs are entered in to a competition by their trainers or handlers and these are popularly known as “Dog Shows” wherein there is elimination at certain rounds after they fail to meet the standard required per round. Just like most contests, the final round determines which dog is worthy to be declared as the winner. The highest award that could be given to a participant is often a title called “Best in Show”.
Why the need for dog shows? Since dogs are man‟s best friend, we value their aesthetic merit and human as we are, appreciate the beauty of our dogs. These factors gave rise to a show being put together to showcase the talents and beauty of our beloved pets.
The goal of these shows is to steal the audience. It is not an assurance that more expensive dogs often times win the competition. Any dog owner could enter their dog as long they meet the standards required in the competition.
I’m a beginner, now what?
Taking part in a dog show is no easy task. This requires careful planning and study. The moment you decide to be part of the dog show, your choice of breed and breeder already determines how you will fare in the future. Ask the breeder all the questions you could think of before deciding on that breed. Read as much as you can on the topic and search for more informative materials.
As you prepare, it‟s advisable to visit the shows, especially the ones which caters to your chosen breed, for you to be familiar with the different things happening during the show proper. This could help increase your knowledge with the breed selected. Be a keen observer. Observe how the dogs were handled, how the handlers carry themselves and the atmosphere inside the ring.
Training your Dogs
Every dog owner would want their dogs to steal the audience during a show. But before it could happily trot to victory, it needs to be trained for the stage seal the success. Pretty much, people get handlers to train their dogs for them but as pet owners we could also train our dogs. After all, we already have that bond with them.
Training them is fairly simple as long as you have the determination and patience to do so. Trained dogs are not made overnight, they are product of practice and time. A simplified training procedure yet productive if properly done is extremely helpful for beginners and starters.
ï‚· Local ring craft class.
 A ring craft class will be a big help in training your dog for a show. Although this is not necessary this is highly recommended as this is where often times trainers help dogs help for the show.
ï‚· Stack or to stand squarely and still
 Breeds could either be “free stacked” (handler standing in front while dog stands alert and still) or “hand stacked” (each leg placed manually in position while handler stands or kneels). Choose one that best fits your dog and be consistent in training. Judges consider how your dog stands. The dog has to stay in position for at least 2-3 minutes at a time or as prescribed by the judges. Dogs must feel accustomed to strangers touching them.
 Practice your dog to move in a way their movements and structure could be seen by the judge. This is often times called gaiting. Trotting is the correct pace since it shows the dog‟s
real structure the best. Adjust the pace of your dog according to its size. They will take time to adjust to correct speed and direction but practice is the key.
ï‚· Expression
 We all want our dog to look happy, alert and beautiful when stacked. Almost all breeds must have their attention caught by the handler and likewise focus on the judge. The lead/collar and the bait are the tricks to do this. Collar keeps the dog still while the bait quickly gets its attention.
Taking Care of Your Show dog
There are two factors to consider, when it comes to taking care of our show dogs and that is health and nutrition. Show dogs are not just dogs, they 1st and foremost your pets and part of your family. Even after the shows, they are still your pets and your best buds. Some dogs consider their pet owners as family and will do anything for them. Just don‟t abuse this kind of bond.
 They are pretty much all about in routine in nature meaning that they day to day is, if possible, must not be outside their known routine. Sticking to a certain routine will develop your dog‟s good habit and thus making it easier to train and discipline them.
 See to it that when you feed them, the time should be constant and uniform. It should be noted that after eating, he must be sent to the potty to ensure bowel movements as this is very essential during the shows and while on travel.
 Every pet owner wants to have a clean coat pet, thus the liberty to bathe the dogs when dirty. But this is not the case for show dogs. They do not have the coats that could be cleaned anytime. Attention must be given whenever there coat is dirty. A good scrub for an ordinary pet is great but not so for any show dog. Certain breeds must meet with the standards set by the show or judges.
And much more..
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