July 2010 Product

Traffic Is King
This eBook contain the following contains
The Importance of Good Traffic
Track it or Lose It
Instant Free Social Traffic
Long-Term Free Article Traffic
Free Traffic from Your Blog
The Power of SEO
Advanced Free Traffic Methods
Email List Traffic
The Possibilities of Joint Ventures
Repeat and Keep Growing!
The Importance of Good Traffic
Nothing happens online without good targeted traffic.
That sentence is the basis to everything that has to do with the internet, and that of course includes your web site and everything you do online. Before we get into the free traffic methods in this book, you need to really understand that, not just that traffic is everything, but that targeted traffic is the most important thing online.
But what is targeted traffic? It’s traffic which has already shown an interest in the topic that your site is about. So if your site is about dog training, then you should target people who have an interest in dogs, who own a dog, or who might looking to get a dog. This also means that you should not target just anyone and everyone simply because they might have found a picture of a puppy to be cute.
You need to remember that whatever you do online to drive traffic to your web site (or your affiliate link) needs to be targeted traffic in order to get the best results. Do not be fooled by those “get a million hits to your site” services thinking that you have found the golden egg. The reality is that you will be very lucky to see any sales come out of traffic like that.
Let me show you a quick example. What would you rather have, 10,000 untargeted visitors to your site of whom only 20 people convert into a sale or lead, or 1,000 targeted visitors of whom 100 converted? I would much rather good targeted traffic over general untargeted traffic any day!
Yes, you will get less traffic overall to your site, but more of the targeted traffic will convert into a sale or lead, depending on what your objective is on your site.
That’s the other important thing you need to decide upon now, what is the objective of your web site? What do you want your visitors to do when they get to your site?
I see many web sites all the time where there are 101 things I can do and click on, which generally results in doing nothing. Busy sites with a lot of links, banners, or ads can be too confusing to visitors. They are not sure what they are supposed to do with too many options for them to choose from. Your site should be simple and to the point with only a few different things that visitors can do.
Instant Free Social Traffic
Let’s start off with one of the fastest ways you can drive free targeted traffic to your web site. Using the social networking sites including forums can bring you a lot of traffic quite quickly if you have already built up a following.
I say that this method is quick, and it is, but only if you have already been in the forums and using social sites like Twitter and Facebook. Otherwise it might take some time to set up if you have to start gaining followers and friends from scratch.
However, once you are set up all you have to do is post a message about your new product or service (without coming across as spamming) and you will see instant traffic to your site. If you built up a following of targeted friends, then this traffic should convert pretty well on a free offer.
Forum traffic:
The first thing you need to do is find an active forum that is about the same topic as your site. So if your site is about gardening with maybe an opt-in form to join your gardening email list, then find a forum that has something to do with that topic.
You need to make sure that the forum is active and alive with real members posting everyday or at least several times a week. Avoid forums which don’t have many newer posts or which are being filled with spam postings.
If you are already a member of this forum than you should already know the rules, but if not you need to learn what the rules are when it comes to advertising and using links in your forum signature.
Before posting any kind of ads you should become a valuable part of the forum community, offering advice and help to other members. You want to come across as someone trustworthy (which I assume you are) and knowledgeable about the topic. For starters simply place a link in your signature to your web site, without any strong advertisement writing, maybe just asking them to check out your site.
Over time as people begin to like you and follow you, you will start seeing more and more traffic coming to your site from the forum.
And much more...
Master Resell Rights License
[YES] Can sell and keep 100% of the sales.
[YES] Can edit the sales letter and graphics.
[YES] Can be bundled into another paid package and sell at a higher price.
[YES] Can be used as a bonus to another product you are selling.
[YES] Can be added into a membership site.
[YES] Can pass on the Resell Rights privilege to your customers.
[YES] Can pass on the Master Resell Rights privilege to your customers. [YES] Can be given away for free.
[NO] Contents of the product can be edited, modified or altered.
[NO] CANNOT be sold with private label rights