Sept 2015 Product

The Word Warrior
Among the most potent tools in your sales armory is the informed and judicious utilization of words and terminology. Words have the power to entice a prospect, hold the attention of the likely purchaser, and finally result in the establishment of a relationship that not simply results in a sale now, but helps to produce other sales activity in the time to come.At the same time, words have the might to turn away likely clients, make individuals feel unappreciated and finally lead to not simply the loss of a sale now, but likewise the loss of sales chances in the future.
The good salesperson knows the significance of selecting the correct verbiage to present both the seller and the product. Whether in verbal communications or in the origination of written documents like sales brochures, letters and emails, or any other sort of promotional materials, utilizing the correct words in the correct places is key to being successful at the undertaking of sales.
This product contains the following contents:
Getting Started With Sales Copy
Utilizing verbiage that will result in sales chances is crucial in any environment. This is particularly true when writing sales copy for a net site, a net press release, or an electronic ad.
Mind Triggers
Psychological triggers are merely words, images, and sounds that may be utilized to promote a certain response. When it comes to the utilization of these triggers in your sales effort, two of your post mighty tools will be words and the way you select to present them.
Effective Sales Language
Sales language is merely the utilization of accepted terms and verbal strategies that are understood to be helpful in the procedure of identifying qualified leads, speaking to interested leads, and closing a sale.
Writing E-mails
Even as you wish to attract attention with the web copy on your site, there's likewise the need to structure promotional e-mails so that they'll catch the attention of buyers, and help to generate interest in the goods or services that you have for sale.
Using It All The Right Way
Utilizing the sales copy you've produced for the net and as part of email promotional campaigns might likewise be utilized in additional ways to produce interest in your products and services.
Master Resale Rights License Terms:
Yes can be sold
Yes can sell resale rights or master resell rights
You can add the product into your product bundle or package and sell for a higher price
Yes can be added to a paid membership site
You CAN give the product away for FREE
You CANNOT offer the product as a bonus to another product you are selling. However, you can offer other bonuses to this product when selling
You CANNOT sell the product on auction sites such as
You CANNOT use nor sell this product in a dime sale event, under any circumstances at all. An event that constitutes a dime sale is one whereby the product starts selling at a very low price and increases every dime after a certain time frame or with every purchase using the dime sale script