Feb 2011 Product

The River of Life
This eBook contain following content
Background and His Plan
Benefits Of Being A Blessing To Others
Becoming A Blessing
Be A Blessing One Person At A Time
Background and His Plan
I attempted comparing the word “love” or the theme of “to love”: the word love was noted 513 times, while the word loved was observed 89 times, and lastly the word “loves” 68 times. Total, these sum up to 670 times.
Observe that “LOVE” is the key theme of the Bible, the quintessential spirit behind the law and the prophets, but the thought of giving and becoming generous as a practical use of love was indeed given a bigger emphasis in the Scripture, and giving or becoming generous is an expression of that love from the higher power, just as He gave us His Son. One may give without loving, but one can't love without giving.
If one gives to be a blessing to other people it ought to be in the heartfelt inner motives of love, even as God gave us His Son out of His Agape or unconditional love, when the target of His love, i.e., Human beings, isn't even worthy of such love!
Knowing this, we'll discuss here God’s design for us in line with generosity, being a blessing and financial freedom, as our expressions of how God loves us and blesses us to become a blessing is manifested by our giving and generosity. This is our heartfelt expression of our love for God and humanity.
God’s design For All individuals: “That we'll be blessed”
In Genesis
I'll make you into a great nation and I'll bless you; I’ll make your name great, and you'll be a blessing. I’ll bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I'll curse; and all masses on earth will be blessed through you.
This promise was executed when Christ came to save all the masses, as He was the promise. Now let us attempt to see some more inside truths in that passage.
As we may see here in the passage, God utilized Abraham for his elemental purpose, i.e., to become a blessing to all lives on earth. For him to become a blessing, he was blessed firstly by the higher power. This is why God said in verse 2; I'll make you into a great nation, as Abraham's becoming blessed firstly by God. Just how may Abraham bless other people or give blessings to other people, if he wasn't firstly blessed by God.
You are able to only bless other people if you're blessed first. Therefore, the same thing is genuine with us. God blessed us in every way at the beginning to become a blessing to other people, i.e. to be generous in every means possible.
In the Holy Scripture, you'll always see the analogy of sowing seeds and reaping in comparison to contributing and getting. In agriculture, no farmer reaps without even planting the seeds first of all.
There ought to be a plant or seed, implanted or sown by the farmer, and in the suitable time, he will reap a crop, after patient cultivation and nourishing of the developed seeds. It's essentially following God's preordained law of seeding and harvesting, i.e., sow seeds and harvest more abundant seeds from the yields to become the blessings of food. Such law is as certain as the Law of Gravity and the force of Thermodynamics in nature.
Benefits Of Being A Blessing To Others
Earlier, we talked about God’s design for us, i.e. to bless us to become a blessing to other people. Now, we'll talk about the Advantages of becoming a blessing. This will answer our enquiry, “what's in it for me in becoming a blessing”? Before we go to the particulars of becoming a blessing, we have to comprehend that God configured the whole system of seeding and harvesting with a win - win state of affairs. It was not designed to be only in favor of one side.
Do It Right
God ensures that the whole system works for the advantage of everyone. Is this out of the question? The fact is, it did occur in the life of the first church that “no one is in need”.
All the worshipers were one in heart and mind. No one laid claim that any of his possessions was his own, but they portioned out everything they had. There were no needy individuals amidst them. For from time to time those who possessed lands or homes sold them, brought the income from the sales and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was dispensed to anybody as he had need.
As a consequence, of becoming one in heart and mind, they attempt to share “everything they have”, and as a consequence, “there were no needy individuals among them”, everyone savored the blessings God provided them. This is supposed to be the primary rule in possession by the whole system, not limited to a few individuals, which was really abided by in practice, as may be seen historically. Now, you might see with the world's positions that those individuals, who gave, lost something. To the contrary, the passage didn't mention about losing something for those individuals who gave.
Now, let us go to the Advantages of becoming a blessing:
Advantage 1: You acquire friends
Becoming a blessing helps us to acquire more friends. The more you give, the more you'll have friends. Attempt to look at those individuals who don't understand how to give. They're those who have fewer friends. As a matter of fact, it's hard to have a friend, if we don't understand how to unselfishly share our things and blessings with them.
Did you ever see those individuals who never gave such that as a result they've few friends? I've seen individuals who are almost like a parasite who wishes to be blessed, but never became a blessing. Leechlike takers, not vitalizing sharers!! All of us ought to bear in mind that we must be a blessing to other people.
Occasionally, individuals only self-centeredly consider themselves and think that they need to blessed but not become a blessing to other people. Trying to be blessed only for one's selfish reasons isn't the way to be blessed; it's thinking how to become a blessing to other people.
And much more..
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