March 2012 Product

The Power Of The Present Moment
It's important to learn about awakening out of the egoic brain and living in the here and now. This book is intended to assist you do just that.The chapters are reminders that may be read in any order. We all need reminders to be more present in our lives to our true experience and brush aside what is damaging and takes away from real happiness, which is the chattering of the egoic mind and much more....
This product contains the following contents:
The Egoic Mind: The facet of mind that I’m calling the egoic mind is what we consider as our own thoughts. These are principally thoughts about ourselves and other people: notions, opinions, and additional conditioned ideas as well as wants, memories, illusions, hopes, dreads, and ambitions. They appear to belong to us, but they in reality belong to the false self, or ego, and don’t bring anything to our lives, although they make for the dramatic events that this character that we understand ourselves as experiences and much more....
Understand: When we're simply present to what we are going through, we observe all types of sensory details that are commonly overlooked. The surprising thing is the amount of pleasure that may be felt in experiencing the simplest of matters totally and much more....
What’s Important: The great news is that just about all of our thoughts are unneeded, not merely a couple of them. That makes discriminating between them much simpler. We don’t have to go sorting through our ideas for the correct ones. We simply have to realize that egoic thought belongs to the false self and is consequently false and undeserving of our attention and much more....
Experience Self: Who you truly are may only be experienced in the here and now, not through thought. When we move our attention away from thought onto anything else, we land in the here and now, and the experience of being present is the experience of our true self. This experience is one of affection, compassion, acceptance, pleasure, and contentment. When you feel these, you know you're identified with your true self instead of the ego and much more....
How To Live In The Here and Now: What does it mean to live totally in the here and now? It means that your awareness is totally focused on the here and now. You're not worrying about the future or thinking of the past and much more....
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