July 2012 Product

The Law of Attraction and Your Wealth
It is somewhat amazing to see how much talk there is about the Law of Attraction and how few people actually know about what it is. The Law of Attraction is not a spell that you use and things begin happening that way. It is not that you chant ‘like begets like’ a thousand times a day and see things happening the way you want. If the Law of Attraction were so simple, we would have already witnessed the world as a much better place by now.
People explain the Law of Attraction in various ways. The commonest definition you will find will be something like this:-
“If you strongly believe that something should happen, it will certainly happen.”
In this eBook, we are going to expose various aspects of the Law of Attraction and see how we can apply it in one of the most important areas of our lives – attracting money. Can one really become rich by just thinking vividly about it? We need to understand the law better and learn how to implement it in order to get these answers.
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