Sept 2012 Product

The Idea Bucket
This ebook contain the following contents
Generating Ideas Basics
Use Your Sleep Time To Generate Ideas
Listen To And Watch What Others Are Doing
Get Your Brain Working
Don’t Let Limiting Beliefs Stop You
Generating Ideas Basics
Ideas are often realized through a series of connections where the initial inception is done because of a specific need, thought or action. Most of these are formed in bits and pieces until the whole idea finally comes together, which is sometimes in the most unusual and unexpected manner.
Creativity and productivity are the two important ingredients that bring about ideas which tapper down from quantity to quality. In order to explore the possibilities of generating ideas, here are some tips which may prove to be helpful to the process.
Expect to have ideas, basically means that one should be open to as many thought processes and styles as possible. Carelessly disregarding perceptions and conceptions should be discouraged in the quest to generating ideas. No matter how trivial or silly an idea appears it should merit some level of exploration. Being open to new experiences also helps to broaden one’s mindset. Different situations often present different challenges which can eventually be the sounding board for new ideas to be explored.
Develop a habit of noting down on paper the beginnings of ideas before they are lost to other distractions. Often the best ideas simply pop into one’s thought process when least expected and capturing these ideas on papers before they are lost helps to further mull on the concepts at a later more leisure and thought concentrated time.
Use Your Sleep Time To Generate Ideas
Some extensive scientific researchers have concluded that there is some connection between both creativity and sleep mysterious as it may seem. The research has gone on to show that sleep promotes creativity and vice versa, for the simple reasons that sleep actually recharges, replenishes and defragments the brain.
At this juncture the individual’s inputs and experiences are sorted out, organized, processed and rearranged to form new connections and associations which in turn may give way to new ideas. Thus using sleep time to generate ideas may not seem as ludicrous as it first sounds.
Here are some ideas that have been used over time to generate revenue which didn’t necessarily need “awake” time to function successfully.
Designing and creating a tool that encourages the masses to use it consistently and continuously will bring in the desired revenue without having to actually having to promote the said item actively.
Thus the idea when put into reality generated its own income independently. Creating an internet e commerce site that runs around the clock is also another idea that generated income perpetually.
Designing a good blog spot where other will be interested to tag their advertisement on will also generate revenue without actually having to “work” for it. This also increases traffic to the site which in turn also translates to increased revenue.
The popular saying of too many cooks spoil the dish does not really apply to the brainstorming exercise. Contrary to most beliefs, brainstorming can actually be very beneficial for businesses and other endeavors. As most of these scenarios rely on the interaction and action of many, having the resources of many thought processes and ideas play a vital role in keeping the endeavor current and viable.
There are a few guidelines that should be followed in order to ensure the whole brainstorming exercise stays relevant and on track. Keeping everyone involved focused on the end goal is perhaps one of the more important elements to start with.
With the goal clearly understood and envisioned, the brainstorming exercise can then be more centered and beneficial to the theme, instead of having random ideas thrown about.
A relaxed atmosphere which is free of any stressful connotations will help the mind to be more alert and sharp thus creating the receptive mindset that births new, innovative and functional ideas.
Always listening to questions and opinions of others around also allows the individual to have a better exploration mindset that is open to ideas from a brainstorming session. Sometimes even the smallest and seemingly insignificant bit of information can be the missing link to an otherwise complete puzzle.
Keeping brainstorming session to a short time frame of about ten to fifteen minutes per time would be better that allowing the session to become long winded which gives opportunity to all concerned to waver off course.
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