Jan 2015 Product

The Copywriters Handbook
Copywriting is the use of words and ideas to promote a person, business, opinion or idea. Although the word copy may be applied to any content intended for printing (as in the body of a newspaper article or book), the term copywriter is generally limited to promotional situations, regardless of the medium (as in advertisements for print, television, radio or other media) and much more....
This product contains the following contents:
Introduction: The ability to turn words into gold is probably the most important aspect of any marketer. If you can do this, it does not matter where you are in the world, you can make money from anywhere, anytime just from your words and much more....
Basics of Copywriting:Copywriting is used in many places throughout your online business funnel and much more....
Headline Essentials: The headline is the most important part of any copy. If your headlines fail to grab the attention of your readers, it doesn’t matter how good your offer is or how good the rest of your copy is. You only have 5 seconds to make an impact on your readers before they move on, so make it count and much more....
USP vs. ESP: We talked a lot about emotions in the previous chapter. Back in the days, many businesses use something called “Unique Selling Point” or “Unique Selling Propositions” to differentiate themselves from their competitors to rake in more sales and much more....
Call To Action: The call to action is probably one of the most crucial components of any piece of content. The first thing you must do is determine what is your most desired outcome that you wish for your customers/prospects to carry out and much more....
Handling Objections: Handling objections is an integral skill good sales copywriting and much more....
Copywriting Mistakes To Avoid: Everyone makes mistakes in their marketing career. This section aims to help you bypass the whole “experimental phase” and avoid the biggest mistakes ever made in copywriting and much more....
Swipe Files: This section deals with swipe files that you can instantly use and copy and paste into your sales copy. These swipe files have been tested and proven to have high conversion rate boosting effects and will greatly benefit your sales page and much more....
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