July 2013 Product

Talking To A Prospect
This ebook contain the folloiwing contents
Know Your Target Market
Demonstrate Confidence
The Right Questions
Know Your Target Market
The opening move of having potent conversations with prospects goes on before you meet the candidate. If you've expertise in your market, tap into your insider knowledge. Otherwise explore what motivates them.
Tailor your services to supply solutions based on their answers. Practice discussing a bulleted list of particular benefits that you offer them. Never discuss vague concepts like helping them accomplish goals and fulfill their dreams. These have no selling power.
The most successful small businesses realize that only a limited number of individuals will purchase their product or service or sign on. The task then becomes ascertaining, as closely as possible, precisely who those individuals are, and 'targeting' the business's marketing efforts and dollars towards them.
You, too, may build a better, stronger business, by identifying and serving a specific customer group – your target market.
Among the first things you have to do is to refine your product or service so that you're not attempting to be 'all things to all individuals.' Become a specialist!
Demonstrate Confidence
A great way to start your internal preparation is with a stock of your capabilities. That means connecting with your strengths as well as your failings. You'll find it really empowering to discover, and list out, what you have to provide. It's likewise a great idea to know what your short- and long-term goals are.
A easy exercise that will help you answer these questions will likewise help you have a look inside yourself and start to consider what you want "more of" and what you want "less of" in your life. Individuals commonly perform at a higher level if they're satisfied with what they do.
It's a fact: people are pulled to self-confident individuals. The reason is that it signals a high status. And we all know that people are highly attracted to status. The significant thing here is that nearly 90 % of your approachsuccess depends upon your body language, your tone and timing.
That means you have to dominate those areas first. Only a strong and lucid body language may demonstrate confidence. But what does "strong and lucid body language" mean? It implies that you:
stand up straight.
Smile. You're alpha, but you also need to demonstrate you're friendly.
Keep your shoulders and head up
Don’t lean against the wall. A strong person doesn't need protection.
Don’t hold anything in front of your chest.
Always speak loud and clear.
Lean back. You're the one getting information. Never lean in.
You may be surprised at how your phrasing may imply either confidence or insecurity. Many people version politeness with insecurity. They use words such as if, might, could, and maybe in an effort to be polite when those words frequently ring of insecurity.
Rather, choose words that send signals of confidence: when, will, would, and certainly. It’s crucial that people get the sense that you believe in yourself. After all, if you don’t, why should they? The following illustrations contrast insecure and confident styles:
Insecure: If I don’t hear from you, I’ll call to see if we may meet.
Confident: I’ll call you next week to see when we may meet.
Insecure: I hope that you'll find my business suitable for you.
Confident: I’m confident that I can help you.
The Right Questions
When you've introduced yourself, ask your prospect meaningful openended questions. Reply briefly with gratitude for them, validation for their feelings, and endorsement for their thoughts. If you begin by asking what is working well in their lives, their hardships will arise by nature.
Remember -- they're able to resolve their own issues. Resist the temptation to make suggestions unless they ask you directly. Listen and reply with understanding. Let them have the floor. Be curious.
When it's your turn to talk, be concisely enthusiastic about what you do. Weave in a short success story or two about your customers (no names) that relates to the challenges your prospect has just told you about.
We require data from others daily. Techniques we utilize to gather that data may have great impact on both its quality and quantity. Open-ended questions are not only friendlier, but they get the desired result-data- more quickly and are easier on the individual answering.
Curiously, many individuals don't know why open-ended questions are better or how to ask them, yet they may be the easiest part of conversation imaginable.
Understand the difference. An open-ended question calls for an answer greater than a single word or two. A closed-ended question may be answered with a simple "Yes," "No," or additional really simple answer. For instance, if you wish to know what happened after you left the party, you may ask,
Open ended questions are, you may simply ask "What happened after I left?" Chances are you'll hear what you wish to know somewhere in your answer. If not, you may follow that up with another open-ended question,
"What happened with Susan and Jim?"
Let's say you wish to know why a date was cancelled. Was it something you had said or done? Did someone get sick? Did somebody with a pressing need call? You could ask any of these particular, closed-ended questions or the very simple and open, "Why did you cancel our date?"
If the answer was vague or too general, my next open-ended question may be just slightly less open-ended.
After you've asked your open-ended question(s) and haven't gotten the particular information you want, it's now effective and acceptable to ask more particular questions like, "What happened to the bubbly?" A major mistake individuals make is to start with particulars, which wastes a lot of time. End with particulars, if essential.
And much more...
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