March 2013 Product

Stronger Kids
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This ebook contain the folloiwing contents
Strong Kids Basics
Child Obesity Is A Serious Issue
The Benefits Of An Active Lifestyle
Strong Kids Basics
As kids tend to be rather careless with their diets, especially if there is very little parental supervision, there is a definite possibility of the kid retaining a lot of unhealthy fat buildup in the body system. With an adequate exercise program is place there is a good opportunity for the kid to burn of all these negative
elements in a fun way and stay healthy at the same time both mentally and physically.
Through the adequate exercise program, there is an increase in the neuromuscular activation point thus causing the large portions of negatively tagged foods to be burned out quickly and effectively.
Kids are often encouraged to join some sort of sports program, as this will improve the overall health conditions even if the eating habits of the kids are questionable.
A lot of studies have been able to show that with strength training, there is a definite increase in strength levels in the preadolescent and adolescents phase. The strength training exercise usually doesn’t adversely affect the linear growth, either in the short term or the long term time frame growth rate.
It also does not have any negative effects on the cardiovascular health in general.
Child Obesity Is A Serious Issue
Child obesity today seems to be a common condition and no longer a phenomenon of just a few individuals. This growing trend is both unhealthy and quite alarming, as most parents seem to be powerless to tackle this problem.
It used to be that most children that were about 20% over their ideal weight would still be accepted as healthy and cute but this is no longer the norm and now research is showing that even this percentage is considered to be unacceptable.
Obesity also creates unnecessary pressure to the child’s overall body’s systems and thus leaving the child open to diseases and other health deteriorating conditions. Besides the physical negative aspects of being considered obese, there is also the mental aspect to deal with, and most of these children end up suffering from low self esteem, emotional problems and social integration problems.
However, there are some things that can be done to reverse or at least address the fast growing problem. At the infancy stage, the ideal source of food should be breast milk and a delayed introduction of solid foods may be one way of starving off the obesity from occurring.
From early childhood, children should be introduced to only healthy foods and snacks and encouraged to have more outdoor play and exercises. Activities for this age group should be designed around movement of the body and limbs as much as possible and activities where less movements or stationary positions are required should be kept to a minimal.
The Benefits Of An Active Lifestyle
Healthy children are basically happy children, and this is a commonly noted condition. However, of late, most children seem to fall into the category of being unhealthy and this is mainly due to the obesity condition.
Therefore, it would be in everyone best interest to ensure that children live a healthy and active lifestyle.
Children benefit greatly from constant physical, mental and social activities. This is one of the prerequisites of a healthy lifestyle besides the more obvious and important inclusion of proper nutrition and a balanced daily diet plan.
The ideal time frame for physical activity should be at least about an hour a day to help them build healthy bones and this should include activities that strengthen the muscles.
Such activities may include pushups, jumping rope, vigorous aerobic regimens and any outdoor games that require the movements of all body parts and coordination.
And much more...
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