Nov 2017 Product

Stress Combatant
Millions of people all over the world struggle daily with their battle against stress, anxiety, and mood issues. We all know that these things can wear your body down and leave you feeling exhausted, drained, and empty inside.
Over time, the buildup of stress and overwhelm can result in you to be much less productive, way more anxious and tense, and of course, unhappy too. A lousy mood contributes towards being irritable, and impatient, and may even cause damage to the relationships in your life. Being stressed out, you'll find it difficult to stay focused on the goal, keep motivated for the future, and even accomplish various tasks.
Your mental well-being plays a vital role on every aspect of your life, both positively and negatively. Positive emotions can give you the tools and motivation that you need to push forward, achieve success, and enjoy life. But negative feelings can impact your activities, your productivity, and eventually the well-being of your life all around.
Achieving and maintaining a positive attitude in life can be tough. All throughout time, people have sought out cures for stress and negativity in the world. There's no shortage of self-help books, guides, tips, and of course, people that you can meet with that will talk to you and help you.
What this course sets out to do for you TODAY, is to present you with just 15 practical but powerful methods for fighting stress in your life. These are methods that will work for you no matter who you are, so pay attention, take notes, and get ready to decompress.
You don't have to be a fighter to fight back and alleviate the stress in your life. That's why in this section, I'm going to cover 15 essential and very practical tips for combating stress in your life, no matter who you are or where you are. So follow along closely!
1. Smile More, Express Emotions, and Be Happy
We all have something in life that makes us laugh, or makes us smile. Maybe it's a friend that we know, a TV show that we watch, or anything else. These kinds of things bring joy to our lives.
It's been proven that laughter AND smiling both release endorphins and other chemicals in your brain and body that help to elevate your mood and boost your immune system as well.
Make it a point to laugh, smile, express amusement, and just try to find enjoyment in life, as often as you can. Even when things aren't looking up at the moment.
2. Take Control of Time and Start Planning
It could almost go without saying that you'll be able to deal with certain kinds of stress if you have a better grip on your work and the tasks you have to do. Whether its relationships, your job, or other activities in life – when you're in control, you're far more likely to stay focused and more collected. Plan your time wisely and always remember to compensate for the unexpected, which we all know happens from time to time.
You also need to adapt to the idea of adjusting your schedule and your plans. If you get started on certain tasks earlier, and even avoid procrastination, you'll be able to better adapt when things pop up. When it comes to things that you don't like doing – start the process out by checking off the unpleasant tasks first. That way you
won't leave them until last and they won't end up hanging over you and becoming a burden to your mood.
Start making lists or keeping some sort of calendar that helps you to remember plans and other things. Don't rely on your memory all the time or you'll end up overwhelming yourself.
When you're cranking through tasks, focus on them one at a time so that your attention is more present with the end goal. Whether you're working on a project, or you're talking with someone for a moment. Multi-tasking can lead to stress and overwhelm, especially when mistakes occur. On top of that, be firm and say “no” to the requests for tasks that you know might overwhelm you.
Furthermore, you need to be patient when it comes to waiting. Anxiety as a result of impatience can increase your blood pressure, which in turn opens the door to a host of other health complications. Don't create undue stress where it shouldn't exist.
3. Get Some Physical Fitness In!
Research has proven that getting exercise and fitness into your schedule regularly will help to improve your sleep and also give you more clarity in your mind. It releases endorphins, adrenaline, and a host of other chemicals that help to balance out your mood and your emotions. As such, this makes getting a little bit of exercise regularly can be massively helpful towards reducing the stress in your life.
And Much More...
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