Feb 2014 Product

Spiritual Supremacy
Spirituality has various meanings. Some books defined it as a journey of self-improvement and self discovery. Others also define spirituality as the opposite of religion and much more....
This product contains the following contents:
The Basics on Spirituality: What is spirituality? How do people discover their spirituality? If you don’t know the real answer to these questions, you need a complete reference to expand your knowledge. This is the reason why you have to read this guide and much more....
Identify Where Your Spirituality Has Issues: Can you use your spirituality to escape from your problems in life? Yes! It is possible. If you have problems in life, it doesn’t mean that your life is meaningless and much more....
Understand Oneness: Everything that exists on Earth is connected to each other. The connection is oneness and wholeness. Most people understand oneness as complete or whole made of two or more parts and much more....
Calming Your Mind: Trying to keep up your busy schedule can be very stressful. Once you find yourself in a very stressful situation, you will notice how your mind reacts and much more....
Using Mantras: Most people ask, what is mantra? This is a phrase or word repeated over and over again during regular meditation. Originating in Buddhism and Hinduism, mantras hold mysterious properties and much more....
Using Yoga: Yoga is a body and mind practice with historical origins in ancient Indian philosophy. Similar with other meditative movement practices, yoga involves physical postures, meditation, breathing techniques and relaxation and much more....
The Benefits of Spirituality: Why do people need to improve their spiritual aspects? What benefits they can get out of it? If you don’t know the reasons why, then, you have to conduct a research. Spirituality is the path and method of self change, action and improvement that leads to awakening and much more....
Staying Motivated for Spirituality: Motivation means that you are animated by your spirit. People who are motivated act with integrity and they are true to themselves. Motivation is a natural part of a person and much more....
Staying on Track: Do you have a big dream in life? Then, you are probably trying to do everything you can to achieve it. Whether it is for physical, spiritual or others, you can easily get what you want and much more....
Making Resolutions for Spirituality: If you want to make some resolutions for spirituality, you have to know how to do it. Like others, you don’t have to create resolutions that are hard to follow. Make sure that your resolutions are easy to achieve and much more....
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