Feb 2012 Product

Sleeping Solace
This ebook contain the following contents
Sleeping Basics
Figure Out What Is Missing
Identify Your Goals
Try New Things
Take Action
How Not Fixing Your Sleep Can Harm Your Life
Sleeping Better Basics
Most people tend to disregard the importance and the significance of proper sleep patterns. Therefore there is a need to reeducate people of this very important element which is so impactful on the daily functions of anyone.
As sleep is an essential part of a normal and healthy growing individual it should be regarded with some respect. Sleep helps the body to rejuvenate adequately, so that the daily challenges will be better handled.
However at this point it is not completely known how the actual sleep state can be accurately and precisely explained in it’s physiologically phenomenon state.
Though thought to be a rather passive state of being it is now know to have a very dynamic process where is brain does not at anytime really shut down complete and instead does perform several unseeing functions within this state, thus it dominant importance.
Basically sleep states can be categorized into different stages such as NREM which is non rapid eye movement and REM which is rapid eye movement.
Figure Out What Is Missing
For a lot of people today sleep is something that is always last to be considered.
Generally especially the younger generation think that sleep is not really important and definitely a waste of their precious time.
However it should be noted that generally when such individuals do attempt to get some sleep it is often very difficult to wake them up.
However the importance of sleep should not be discounted and working out the elements that are causing the lack of sleep or the inability to get proper sleep would be most beneficial.
What Do You Need
Ironically the huge number of individuals do experience some form of sleep deprivation and its negative effects fairly often though, there are times when this comes about without the actual realization of its occurrence.
Taking the time and effort to find out if this phenomenon is occurring randomly in one’s life with or without significant impact being caused is worth the trouble so that the situation can be addressed and rectified.
Some may explain it as sleep homeostasis which generally implies that the more sleep an individual is able to experience the less likelihood of the individual nodding off to sleep at the slightest opportunity and the more there is loss of sleep the more significant the need to sleep will be.
There are several possibilities why this may occur and some of them are too many distractions, non conducive environment, high stress levels, too many things that need immediate attention and the list is never ending.
Identify Your Goals
There are several types of goal setting exercises that can be adopted to suit the need of sleeping. These goals will vary greatly from one person to another, so there is a need to define what your goals are as an individual within the realm of sleep.
When this is successfully done then the identification of the necessary elements that will produce the desired results can then be designed.
What Is The Point
Family goals are a very powerful way to build trust, communication, togetherness and many other positive elements. It’s also a good way to encouraging children to learn how to set goals within their own little worlds.
Here are some recommendations that can be followed in the pursuit to identifying and setting goals:
• The exercise of setting goals should be done with the participation of every family member. This participation should be active rather than passive and age should not be a deterrent. Younger children can sometimes be surprisingly insightful and can come up with very workable solutions to a particular goal.
• Limiting the amount of goals the family has to work with is also advised. When there is too much going on, there will be very little concentrated focus on actually making a success of the goal and its eventual positive results.
• Identifying and setting the goals should not be limited to any particular time of the year or phase in a family member’s life. These exercises should be done if and when necessary and is a spontaneous fashion to ensure there is not threatening feelings arising.
• Setting up an incentive plan within the goal setting exercise will also encourage maximum participation and results of all the family members.
• Sometimes it may be necessary to set a time frame for the intended goals set. This is to ensure some results can be forthcoming rather that constant procrastination.
Try New Things
Sometimes after exhausting all existing tried and true methods of doing things one needs to adjust the mindset to be open to trying new and more innovative ways to solving the sleep deprivation problem. This is especially necessary if the current methods are adding to the stress levels of an already difficult situation.
Here are some suggestions on the changes that can be made in order to create a more easily sought sleep state:
• Taking up a new and slightly more physically demanding exercise regimen. Though exercise has always been an important way of living a healthy lifestyle elevating the requirements of the exercise routine will help to exhaust the body into craving for better rest sessions thus enabling the individual to get good sleep sessions.
• Eating healthier and lighter meals especially before sleep pattern times will also help to create a more conducive body condition so that sleep comes easily and naturally. Eating heavy meals that are also unhealthy in its content will cause such discomfort that the individual will be unable to induce comfortable sleep sessions.
• Being exposed to bright light will also help to keep the brain alert and functioning at its optimum thus exhausting it enough to induce proper sleep patterns when the body feels the need for it. So when working in darker surrounding environments one should always opt to have bright lights enhancing the work area.
• Using the temperature element as an effective tool to induce consistent and successful sleep patterns has been documented as having some level of success. Keeping the temperature at levels which creates a comfortable atmosphere for the individual will eventually allow a more relaxed state to prevail thus inducing sleep.
• Adopting a comfortable posture or body position that is more receptive to creating the comfort zone for a sleep experience is both necessary and effective.
And much more...
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