April 2012 Product

Scoring Your Goal
What are a few of your biggest goals in life? To slenderize? To take in more money? To be on your dream vocation? To put together your own business? Would you love to live in abundance? To be in the finest health? To discover your life mate? To have a loving family? For any of these goals, have you ever experienced the resolve to achieve it, commit resources towards it, work at it for an long time period, only to have it flop eventually?
Imagine you've a goal to slim down and you decide to shed 30 lbs. You start great, curbing the amount of food you eat. You likewise start a workout program. Day-after-day, you assess your weight to track your forward motion. Within the first few days, you start realizing a lessening in your weight. Elated, you carry on what you've been doing, but it seems that your actions have lost their effectiveness as your weight loss has stopped. If anything, it seems to be increasing slightly compared to your lowest weigh-in.
You get discouraged. You start to free and overeat, reconciling that it's never possible for you to achieve the goal as it's in your genes or you plainly don't have the self-control. You begin to put aside the whole notion of weight loss. Predictably, you start to gain back all the weight you dropped and more. This makes you even more depressed and you start devouring still more. At some stage down the road, you get a different urge to lose weight.
You start up the goal quest once more, more determined than ever. All the same, past events duplicate themselves and soon you're back where you started, if not in a more deplorable place. Does this pattern of behavior go for to any of the goals you've decided to achieve before? Being entwined in a ceaseless cycle of setting the goal and trying to achieve it, but never really reaching it?
At this point in time, you feel brokenhearted. You settle that you're not meant to achieve this goal and choose to focus your energy on something else. A lot of people are guilty of trying to undertake their goals using a series of trial and error approaches. They randomly throw their energy out there with all they can on the few steps they acknowledge, trusting that this will get them to their destination. They address their goals in a hit-or-miss approach, and then hope that everything will turn for the better finally.
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