April 2017 Product

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Free traffic from the web is one of the Internet Marketing Holy Grails. The surprising thing about free traffic is there is no real “secret”: it is frequently a simple case of focusing on a few key activities and building a process or system to make the work as straight forward as possible.
The great news is that this means anyone who applies themselves can generate a tsunami of traffic to their chosen website or blog. The techniques I will outline in this report do not require a degree in Astrophysics, just a willingness to apply yourself to the task in hand and commitment to follow through.
Before we delve in to Search Engine Optimization as a topic you may have heard the term before but not fully understood what it means. Search Engine Optimization (frequently abbreviated to SEO) is the process by which a web page owner optimizes the structure and content of a given web page to make it appear highly relevant to a given search term. The goal is to be listed at the top (or at least on the first page) of a Search Engine Results Page (also known as SERPs).
The key point to highlight here is “web page” and not web site. While a few sites are considered “Authority Sites” by Google and have multiple pages listed at the top of a page of search results, the vast majority of search requests bring back lists of individual pages.
This is very important as it allows you to build a new page specifically for each search term you are are targeting (see below). Typically your potential web customer will enter a search term in a search engine and then scan the results for what they are looking for.
If they fail to find what they are looking for they may browse to page 2 or 3 of the search engine results but it is highly unlikely they will go any further. It is far more likely that they will attempt to refine their search by entering a modified or, in some cases, a completely different search term.
Think back to the last time you were looking for something but did not know the exact search term to enter…what process did you follow to find what you were looking for?
The first step in an effective SEO campaign is the rather unglamorous, and some would say boring, task of Market Research. The idea here is simple. You need to know what words or phrases your target audience is typing into the search engine query box so that you can take steps to rank well for that particular phrase or keyword.
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