June 2012 Product

Rock Solid SEO
This ebook contain the following contents
Why do SEO?
How SEO Used to be Done
Old School Onsite Optimization
Old School Back linking
Google Pandas and Penguins
Beware the Panda
Enter the Penguin
The Aftermath
Rock Solid SEO
How to Recover Your Website from Oblivion
How to Build a New Site
Why do SEO?
There’s a reason why SEO is by far the most popular free traffic method online. In fact, there are several reasons.
For one thing- it can create HUGE passive income streams. Once you have a website ranking at #1 for its keywords, it will make money day in and day out- whether you work on it or not.
Now this isn’t to say that you should never touch it again. It’s just saying that it won’t constantly need your attention like paid traffic campaigns do.
Another reason that people like SEO is its CHEAP. You don’t need a huge budget to get started. In fact, all you really need is a few bucks for your domain name and hosting.
Building backlinks, writing articles, creating videos- these take a bit of time, but no money (unless you outsource them). And since most marketers have more time than money, this is a good way for them to drive traffic.
Finally, search engine traffic is EXTREMELY targeted! These days, people go to Google when they have a problem. Weight loss, divorce, money, heart disease, misbehaving kids- Google has the answer to everything! You just plug in your question, hit the Enter key, and Google helps you out.
And guess what- if your website is at the top of the listings, YOU are the one who has the chance to help that Google user.
That sounds like a business opportunity to me.
But here’s the thing- the online world changes daily. This includes search engines, and how business owners can use SEO to drive traffic.
To prove that, let’s take a look at how SEO has changed over the years.
How SEO Used to be Done
When Google first came out, it was EXTREMELY easy to rank a website for certain keywords. This was based on both onsite optimization and offsite optimisation.
Old School Onsite Optimization
It used to be that all you had to do was stuff your site full of the keywords you were targeting, and you’d get traffic.
For example, let’s say you were targeting the keywords “how to lose weight.”
If you typed that into Google, it was fairly common to come across sites that looked like this (no, I’m NOT kidding):
How to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight how to lose weight....pretty ridiculous, right?
Well it didn’t take Google too long to figure out that a VERY high keyword density doesn’t deliver quality content to the reader.
So they lowered what is considered the “optimal” keyword density to 1% to 3% (depending on who you talked to- everyone recommended something different).
Old School Backlinking
It used to be that all backlinks were treated the same. The website with the most backlinks would win- despite what the website’s onsite optimization was like.
It didn’t matter if your backlinks came from forums, article directories, authority blogs, .edu sites, or anything else.
Even though this seemed fair at first, it got abused. Automated software made it VERY easy to spam backlinks all over the internet. Today you can purchase thousands and thousands of backlinks to your website every day for less than $100 a month.
Google Pandas and Penguins
There have been 2 main types of updates over the last 2 years that rocked tens of thousands of websites. The first type is called Google Panda, and the second (more recent) type is Penguin
Beware the Panda
Google’s Panda update was aimed at one thing- improving the experience of Google search engine users.
Because Google had figured out that visitors hated going to small, spammy looking websites with poor quality
content, they decided to target sites that had these characteristics:
ï‚· Lots of low Page Rank (PR) backlinks
ï‚· Uneven backlink velocity (they came too fast or slow)
ï‚· Too many/not enough keywords
ï‚· High bounce rates
ï‚· Too many links from the same sites
ï‚· Poor onsite optimization (no internal linking)
ï‚· No or very few outbound links
There were other factors as well, but these are a few of the biggest ones.
And much more...
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