March 2013 Product

Ripped With Cardio
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This ebook contain the folloiwing contents
All You Need To Know About Cardio
Choosing Your Fitness Gear
Your Brain Needs To Exercise Too
Cardio Training Regime
All You Need To Know About Cardio
It should be noted that there are various types and stages of cardio workouts available for any interested individual. Therefore, some research should be done before the most appropriate regimen it designed and followed effectively.
Moderate intensity cardio training – for those who are attempting cardio workouts for the specific purpose of getting back into shape or for those who want to put the brakes on the state of obesity currently felt, the moderately designed cardio workout would be more advisable option to start with.
This is mainly due to the fact that most cardio exercises are rather challenging, thus needing the commitment on the part of the participant and if the cardio program chosen is at a difficult level, then the chances of the individual sticking to the program is rather slim. A moderate intensity cardio workout that is done for a longer period of time will give the eventual desired results and will help to keep the individual focused and motivated.
As the desired results become more evident, there may be a need to step up the cardio exercise program to be able to achieve even more form the workout sessions. Putting in more time or more sessions will help the individual gain more muscle mass and lessen the body fat content. Besides this, a more frequent routine would be something healthy to indulge in as opposed to wasting the same amount of time on something that will not benefit the individual.
Choosing Your Fitness Gear
For some consulting an exercise expert would be good enough and for others the advice of the sales personnel selling the equipment is something that they would consider.
However, before even embarking on the quest to acquire the suitable fitness gear, the individual should take the time and trouble to define the needs and intentions of the entire exercising foray before the suitable set of equipment can be identified.
There are generally two types of categories the exercises can be grouped into, which the aerobic type and the weight bearing type. The aerobic type, which is also known as cardiovascular training, is meant to raise the heart rate, boost metabolism and put the body into the fat burning mode during the workout sessions.
The weight bearing exercises which is also known as strength training is meant to develop the large muscle groups of the body and increase the muscle mass.
The equipment for the aerobic exercise type would include the treadmills, elliptical trainers, exercise bikes, recumbent bikes, pedal exercises, rowing machines, cross trainers and the stair stepper.
Your Brain Needs To Exercise Too
Strange though it may seem, there is some real connections between exercising physically and exercising the brain. It is a well accepted fact that the brain becomes sharper and more alert when the individual has a regular exercise routine incorporated into the daily lifestyle schedule.
This is due to the fact that all the positive elements are released in the body systems which then help the brain to function more effectively thus providing the platform for the idea that the brain can and needs exercise to be at its optimum.
Cardio Training Regime
There are a lot of different types of exercises that can be incorporated in the cardio training regimen. Understanding and picking the ones that would be most suited to the individual’s needs is how a cardio training regimen in designed. Some of the exercises may require the use of certain specifically designed equipment, while others may just require some space.
For beginners – this should ideally be done with some very simple and basic exercises done slowly to get the body accustomed to the introduction of the exercise regimen.
The ideal time frame for such workouts should about 3 days of cardio and 2 days of strength training. The cardio training regimen at this stage should ideally include the stationary bike exercise, walking workout, elliptical workout which is all meant to be done within one session.
Alternating this with total body strength workouts or yoga and gentle stretching exercises on other days with the same time frame would generally give the individual an almost complete workout for this stage.
For intermediate – here the similar exercise style is adopted but with a more intense and specific focus on particular parts of the body, and for longer periods of time for each workout session.
Different combinations can be incorporated into the workout but the intensity should be elevated to suit this level and requirements.
And much more...
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