Jan 2021 Product

Reaching Your Goals
So – not too long ago, you were all fired up and eager to move ahead on your New Year Resolutions. You put a lot of thought into your goals, got clear about the changes you wanted to make, conceived a genius plan that would undoubtedly change your life forever, and waited with bated breath for January 1st to arrive. When the clock struck midnight on December 31st, it was full steam ahead! You were off to a great start and confidently began taking the steps you knew would lead you directly to the life of your dreams!
And then . . . maybe a couple of weeks later, maybe even a month later, you began losing steam. At first it may have been small things, like bumping into a few minor obstacles or struggling to find time to work on your goals consistently; but before you knew it, you found yourself feeling unmotivated, tired, angry, frustrated . . . and finally wondered what you were thinking when you set these stupid goals anyway. You must have been out of your mind to think that you could achieve something so grand – you’ve never been able to do it before, right?
Whether the above scenario describes your situation exactly or not, it stands as a common example of how easy it is to set New Year Resolutions – and how difficult it can be to follow through and actually achieve them. If you are struggling in any way to stay committed to your New Year goals, this report is for you!
Table of Contents
Challenge #1 – Unclear Objectives
Challenge #2 – Unrealistic Expectations
Challenge #3 – It’s Too Hard!
Challenge #4 – Not Doing the Inner Work
Challenge #5 – Sacrifice vs. Gain
Challenge #6 – Lack of Self-Belief
Challenge #7 – Fear of Failure
Challenge #8 – Fear of Success
Challenge #9 – Obstacles
Challenge #10 – Trying to Contro
Challenge #11 – Unclear Action Steps
Challenge #12 – Conflicting Priorities
Challenge #13 – Lack of Commitment
Challenge #14 – Lack of Willpower
Challenge #15 – Losing Motivation
Final Thoughts
Did you know that there are many common reasons why people have trouble achieving their goals? So common, in fact, that there are dozens of books and countless workshops and seminars available on the subject. Why is that important to know? Because with such a widespread problem, you can be certain that there are also plenty of proven STRATEGIES that can help you gain control of your goals again.
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