Jan 2012 Product

Organization Tactics
Getting organized is one of the best elements to implement within any structured boundary. Positive elements may then able to surface from the conscious effort of eliminating negatives like getting rid of unhealthy stress, tensions that cause clutter, time robbing habits, and other more complex but coinciding features.
Do you walk in the house after a long day at work and simply sigh at your cluttered home? Have you planned to organize one morning but don't know where to begin or are simply not in the mood? Are you caught in a vicious circle: as soon as you organize one room a different one has turned to chaos? Perhaps you simply need to prioritize, find motivation, and invite help. Easier said than done ?
As with most goals in life, you need to strive for progress and betterment, not perfection. Most of us don't have time to accomplish perfection in everything we do and still live a happy, fulfilling life. When you set goals, make them accomplishable, attainable. When you make that progress, produce a visual way to track it or remind yourself of all you've achieved (i.e. stickers on a chart, a check list, a flower/penny/or other item to represent each task you've finished).
Do you begin the day with the best of intentions to declutter the “bath” only to loose your drive because it's “simply not worth it”? What is worth it to you? What do you value? Why? These questions might not seem to have much to do with organizing, but they may be the key to your motivation. How much time do you spend on actions that relate to your values (i.e. spending time with loved ones, exercising, eating healthy, and so forth.)? Most of us would likely answer “not enough”. Then why would you ever spend time on an action not related to you values, like organizing? The answer: organizing helps you to focus more on your values. Organizing means less time searching for things fewer arguments over who last used the scissors and didn't put them back, less time cleaning around the clutter . . . With less time wasted, you've more time to be with loved ones, exercise, eat healthy, and pursue those life goals that truly matter.
Even if most of your tasks and daily tasks are “value added”, they're not always fun and often too much for one person. Resolution: spread the responsibility among the whole house. What is boring to one person might be fun for a different. One individuals weak spot might be someone elses strength. When you do invite help, simply remember to be specific or be prepared for “not precisely what you expected”. Letting other people pick what they want and find their own way, reasonably, might even make them more willing and productive.
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