April 2010 Product

Newbies Guide to Video Marketing
If You're Not Using Video Marketing In Your Business You're Almost Certainly Leaving Money On The Table!
There's no getting round the fact that video is growing in popularity almost BY THE HOUR in internet marketing.
Pretty much ALL successful marketers are using video in their marketing strategies - on sales pages, in viral marketing and in list building.
And anyone who's not using it IS going to be left behind.
In a big way
You've seen the MASSIVE growth in social networking sites and user submitted videos sites, and this means that pretty much anyone who uses the internet is used to clicking a button and watching dozens of video clips during an average 'browsing' day
And that's all very nice to know....
BUT LET'S CUT TO THE CHASE and see what video means to YOU as a marketer:
1. Use of Video has been proven over and over again to get a BETTER conversion rate for both opt-ins and sales pages, than pure sales copy does.
2. People are becoming more and more used to 'quick fixes' and while they're happy to sit through a two minute video, they're not as keen on reading a long sales letter or blog entry.
3. When you use video in your marketing it's just plain EASIER to convey certain messages rather than trying to describe them in text, you can just SHOW the viewer what you mean.
4. Videos are probably the easiest way to create products. You can create a 10-week video course in a matter of days. Try writing one instead and see how long it takes you!
There are dozens more reasons why it's essential to use video in your marketing strategies, but first let's look at reasons why many people are reluctant to use video in their online business!
- They don't know anything about how to create a video
- They don't know anything about how to edit a video
- They're scared of the expense involved
- They simply don't know anything about the technology involved
- They have no idea what software to use, how to use it and where to get it from!
- Well I've just solved your problem.
- Introducing..
- I've covered everything you'll need to take you from video marketing newcomer to clued up and confident video marketer.
- Even if you don't know the first thing about video marketing I can show you exactly how to get started.
- In 'The Newb's Guide To Video Marketing' I'll show you..
- Exactly what video marketing IS
- What video marketing can do for you and your business
- What makes a great video
- How to actually MAKE videos
- Where to get the software you need
- Where to get the software you need on a budget
- Where to get the software you need for FREE
- How to create your videos using webcams, or screen capture software
- How to use your finished videos in your business
- How to market your products using video
- Exactly where to submit your videos to grab traffic
- How to host videos so they play faultlessly
- Which services (often free) are a MUST HAVE for video marketers
- How to upload your videos to your blog or webpage
- and much much more...
Master Resell Rights License
[YES] Can sell and keep 100% of the sales.
[YES] Can edit the sales letter and graphics.
[YES] Can be bundled into another paid package and sell at a higher price.
[YES] Can be used as a bonus to another product you are selling.
[YES] Can be added into a membership site.
[YES] Can pass on the Resell Rights privilege to your customers.
[YES] Can pass on the Master Resell Rights privilege to your customers.
[YES] Can be given away for free.
[NO] Contents of the product can be edited, modified or altered.
[NO] CANNOT be sold with private label rights