Aug 2011 Product

Natural Arthritis Relief
This ebook contain the following contents
Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis With Herbs, Spices, & Roots
What Is Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Rheumatoid arthritis is known to be an autoimmune disease. Inflammation of the synovium causes chemicals to thicken the thin layer of tissue which lines and lubricates the joint.
The thickened synovium may eventually damage the cartilage and ultimately the bone. Arthritics suffering with RA may experience symptoms, such as pain, stiffness, swelling and impaired function of the affected joint. In advanced cases the condition may lead to configuration and twisting of the affected area.
Rheumatoid arthritis can be apparent in any age and is not confined to one sex, having said that RA does tend to be more prevalent in females, women are thought to be three times more likely to suffer with rheumatoid arthritis than men.
RA is not often restricted to just one joint, many arthritics will often find themselves symmetrically effected, such as in both hands, or perhaps in both knees.
Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis With Herbs, Spices, & Roots
The following list of herbs, spices & roots are a combination of tried and tested tips used by thousands of RA sufferers to relieve their condition. To download a complete rheumatoid arthritis treatment protocol please click here: Link to your site
Herbs, spices, & roots
Herbs and spices have been used to treat various diseases and ailments for thousands of years, both herbs and spices are excellent antioxidants with many contain excellent anti- inflammatory properties.
Listed bellow are some of the best herbs and spices known to help arthritics. It may be helpful to try to incorporate some of these herbs into your everyday life. Herbs and spices should where possible be used in their natural form & taken as a tea, or added to food.
The following herbs & spices are listed in order of their superior properties when used to treat arthritis.
Some herbs and spices are known to interfere with certain prescribed medications, it is therefore always wise to consult with your doctor or a professional, before introducing any of the following herbs into your diet.
Has long been used to treat arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory property. Turmeric is also known to contain an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals.
Asian & Indian have been using ginger to treat arthritis for over 2000 years due to its anti- inflammatory property.
Devils Claw
Devil's Claw is native to parts of South Africa, where it is thought to have been used to treat arthritis for centuries, two active ingredients called Harpagoside and Beta sitosterol are found in devils claw which are thought to posses excellent anti-inflammatory properties.
Devil's Claw is claimed to be beneficial for treating arthritis, rheumatism, arthritis and diseases of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder and bladder,.
Cats Claw
Cats claw has been used for over 2000 years by the the indigenous peoples of South and Central America to treat rheumatic disorders. Ingredients appear to act as anti- inflammatory, antioxidant and anticancer agents. Cats claw is found in the tropical jungles of South and Central America.
Research has also indicated cats claw may help in the treatment of intestinal ailments such as Crohn's disease, gastric ulcers and tumours, parasites, colitis, gastritis, diverticulitis and leaky bowel syndrome,
Cayenne Pepper
Known to support the body's immune system. Used for treating: arthritis, backache, heart disease, ulcers, indigestion, pain, psoriasis, and shingles.
Use caution when introducing cayenne pepper into your diet, although it is known to benefit many arthritics, in some cases it may actually trigger symptoms.
Can kill intestinal parasites and act as an anti-microbial agent against fungi and bacteria. Helps relieve pain, digestive problems, and anti-fungal, antibacterial problems.
Chewing a clove once a day may be beneficial to arthritics.
Golden seal
Known to contain a powerful detoxifier.
Commonly used as a diuretic, & to reduce inflammation, treat rheumatism & arthritis, clear toxins in the body, inhibit tumour growth, & combat urinary tract problems.
Licorice (root)
Contains phytoestrogens. Used to treat ulcers & known to have anti-viral, anti-tumour, anti- inflammatory properties.
And much more...
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