March 2012 Product

Money Management Methods
Even among highly conscious people, money may be a contentious, polarizing subject. Social training overcharges us with so many contradictory views on the subject that it's no wonder individuals are baffled. Disarray about money causes us to compartmentalize the fiscal part of our lives. Cash becomes a thing unto itself with its own rules and conventions and much more....
This product contains the following contents:
How We See Money: Like most individuals, I grew up with incongruent notions about money. On the one hand, I discovered evidence that money was great. Intellectually, material riches appeared crucial, for money clearly brings particular benefits. It may buy food, apparel, shelter, transportation, training, technology, amusement, medicine, etc. Given the way our culture currently functions, if you've money, you've resolutions and much more....
Money and Reality: The reason money works is that we concur by consensus that $100 has a particular value. If we all concurred that money was useless, it would have no value whatsoever. As it's a social resource, revenue isn't a perfect monetary system.
The value of anything, including cash itself, is ascertained by social consensus and much more....
Money and Affection: The idea of affection advises us to tune in and associate with the concept of money on a richer level, so let's do precisely that and see what the procedure discloses and much more....
Money Might and Unity: The idea of might states that you're responsible for your own financial spot. If you disfavor your current conditions and wish something better, it's up to you to make it occur. You are able to yield control of your financial destiny to other people, but final responsibility forever rests with you. You're the one who must accept the results you get and much more....
Money Bravery and Being Intelligent: Don't expect somebody else to understand what your skills and gifts are worth. If you let other people ascertain your pay, it's a safe bet you're being underpaid. You have to take the initiative and ask for what you wish. If the price you ask is fair and sensible and if there's genuine social requirement for the value you are able to provide, somebody will certainly pay you for your work and much more....
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