July 2022 Product

Mobile Phone Profits
Welcome to the wireless revolution! If you’re new to the 3G wireless age, don’t worry. This is a great opportunity to learn about this technology and how it applies to business today. But, we understand that you do know business – and advertising. And, you certainly know how important advertising is to your business.
Like any business owner, advertising is an expense to your bottom line. So, it’s important to spend your advertising dollars to your greatest advantage. And as technology changes, advertising strategies and tools must change, too.
This book is designed to help you begin advertising to mobile phone users that are taking advantage of 3G technology. This technology gives them access to the internet, fast downloads, and streaming audio and video in addition to their voice and text messaging capabilities.
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................. 2
INTRODUCTION .......................................................... 5
2 THE NEW GENERATION OF WIRELESS ................... 10
THE 3G NETWORK ......................................................................... 10
HOW IS A 3G NETWORK DIFFERNT? ............................................. 11
APPLE'S IPHONE ........................................................................... 12
SMARTPHONES ............................................................................. 13
THE PRIMARY TYPES OF 3G PHONE USERS ................................... 14
CASUAL USERS .............................................................................. 14
THE BUSINESS USER ..................................................................... 15
3 EFFECTIVE BUSINESS USERS AND THEIR WIRELESS DEVICES ................................................................... 17
EMAIL ........................................................................................... 17
WEB SURFING ............................................................................... 18
VIDEO CONFERENCING ................................................................. 18
TEXT MESSAGING ......................................................................... 19
PHONE APPLICATIONS ................................................................. 19
VOICE ........................................................................................... 19
THE FACE OF TODAY'S EXECUTIVE ................................................ 20
4 USE THE HOTTEST APPLIACTION TO YOUR ADVERTISING ADVANTAGE ...................................... 24
YOUR WEBSITE ............................................................................. 25
ATTRACTING VISITORS TO YOUR SITE ......................................... 27
MAKE SURE YOU’RE SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZED .............................. 27
ADVERTISE A GADGET ................................................................... 28
ACCEPT MOBILE PAYMENTS ............................................................ 28
TEXT MESSAGING .......................................................................... 29
MJOY’S UNIQUE TEXT MESSAGING SERVICE ..................................... 31
BLYK’S SUCCESS STORY ................................................................. 32
FREE 411 ...................................................................................... 33
WIRELESS CARRIERS .................................................................... 35
TWITTER ....................................................................................... 37
SHOZU .......................................................................................... 38
MAPS AND GPS OPERATED DEVICES ............................................. 39
6 CREATING YOUR OWN APPLICATIONS .................. 40
THE TECHNICALITIES ................................................................... 41
WIRELESS APPLICATION PROTOCOL (WAP) ...................................... 41
WIRELESS MARKUP LANGUAGE (WML) ............................................. 41
GETTING HELP .............................................................................. 42
SOCIAL NETWORKING DEVICES ...................................................... 42
GAMES ......................................................................................... 43
GALLERIES .................................................................................... 43
TOOLS .......................................................................................... 43
BE CREATIVE ................................................................................. 44
CONCLUSION ............................................................ 45
Even if you have a website and advertise via the internet, you may not be convinced that mobile advertising is right for your business. Following are some statistics that might change your mind.
ï‚· Nielsen Mobile, which reports on trends in the wireless industry says that statistic shows the development of global mobile internet traffic as of the second quarter of 2018. As of that period, 51.89 percent of global web traffic originated from mobile devices,. This means that 1.79 billion people are using their mobile phones to access the internet.
ï‚· 95 million mobile users in the US are paying for internet access on their mobile phones, but they do not use it regularly, according to this same report.
ï‚· Nielsen also reports that these mobile customers most often use their mobile internet connection to visit websites – even more frequently than they use it to access email.
ï‚· eMarketer reports that even older baby boomers (those aged 54-62) access the internet at least once per month, meaning that internet marketing truly appeals to all ages.
ï‚· eMarketer also reports that in the UK, restaurant advertising on mobile phones grew 63.6% in the year up to 2019 and clothing ads on mobile phones grew by 53%.
ï‚· This same report in eMarketer reports that the restaurant ads sent to mobile phones reported a 15.5% response rate. These ads utilized SMS messaging technology, rather than web browsing.
And Much Much More...
Master Resell Rights License
[YES] Can sell and keep 100% of the sales
[YES] Can edit the sales letter and graphics
[YES] Can be bundled into another paid package and sell at a higher price
[YES] Can be used as a bonus to another product you are selling
[YES] Can be added into a membership site
[YES] Can pass on the Resell Rights privilege to your customers
[YES] Can pass on the Master Resell Rights privilege to your customers
[YES] Can be given away for free
[NO] Contents of the product can be edited, modified or altered
[NO] CANNOT be sold with private label rights
No Liability
Under no circumstances will the product creator, programmer or any of the distributors of this product, or any distributors, be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental, or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of this product This product is provided "as is" and without warranties.