April 2013 Product

Mentor Cash Unleashed
This ebook contain the folloiwing contents
If you’ve been involved in Internet marketing for a while, chances are you’ve mastered quite a bit about how it works.
You’re familiar with affiliate programs, either as an affiliate, or running on one on your own. You have one (or more blogs) up and running efficently with a decent sized list, and you’re making use of autorepsonders to do most of the work for you.
Typically this happens because you were able to help someone out with what they needed in a right place, right time kind of scenario. The information you provided them was easy to understand and use.
Your most likely response is probably something along the lines of, “I need to become a guru in my niche before I can mentor anyone else.” This is a double-edged sword, because of course you’re not going to get anywhere mentoring if you’re brand new to the world of Internet marketing, but you don’t have to work your way up to a six-figure income before you can start offering your mentoring services.
Mentoring Myth
What most people don’t realize is your mentoring services do not have to mean you offer high dollar, super in-depth coaching that you see other “gurus” in Internet marketing offering from time to time. You can make it as simple as working with a small group of people in your niche, by teaching them the same things you’ve learned as you’ve invested your resources (time, energy, money) into up to this point, all by using a membership website.
What exactly is a mentor?
Chances are, you’ve already had a mentor, though it’s not likely someone who’s in Internet marketing. Mentors can be anyone who helped you create progress in your life, or anyone who you looked up to as you grew up.
Why People Would Choose You
All mentors ask themselves why people would choose them for a mentor, at some point or another. Even as you read this information, you’re probably already wondering why someone would choose you to mentor them over all the other options out there.
The reality is: every student has different mentoring needs, so not all mentors offer the right solution, and this can be your edge against the competition.
Most mentees will not sign up with someone who’s considered a “top level” guru (spending several thousand dollars to do so) because they know their skills really haven’t even scratched the surface.
Mentees are much more pleased to find someone like you, who have a level of success close to theirs, because they can have a more realistic hope of emulating you in the future.
How to Coach Your New Students
There are many ways you can coach new students, but the most important piece of advice I can share with you from other coaches is to start small.
The easiest way to to this is to start with a free email course, with daily lessons offered for a week. You can set up these lessons with an autoresponder so the process becomes automatic and hands-off for you while you work on other things in your business.
The free course will let your new students know more about your skills and what they should expect from working with you. It will also show them your communication style, and more about the quality of information you are able to deliver.
In addition to giving your students a taste of what it is like to work with you, it gives you the chance to promote and demonstrate the value behind the paid coaching program you’re offering.
That said, let’s take a look at the various other ways you can run a coaching or mentoring program online.
Paid Membership Forum
When combined with a blog to deliver the regular content, an interactive private forum will serve as an excellent vehicle to increase your value as an Internet mentor.
One of the important things to consider about starting a paid forum is that most of them will not survive past the first few months, but you can create one that will flourish well beyond the average lifespan of the typical paid forum.
The secret is actually very simple, assuming you’ve done the research you needed to do in the first place. You, as the coach and forum owner should make it a point to answer all questions in the forum.
Online Chat
Online chat enables you to have immediate interaction between you and your students, as compared to email where the interaction may be delayed by hours, or even days.
Many students report online chats stay with them better than telephone conversations. If you choose to use online chat as a method of interactiing with clients, though, you will have to constantly monitor it for interaction, unless you clearly place limits on your hours of availability.
Telephone Coaching
Telephone coaching is much like online chat in the sense that you’ll get immediate interaction with your clients. You’ll be able to offer this as an a la carte service, or as an upsell for your ebooks. For instance, you can say, “Get this ebook for $37, or get this ebook and a one hour phone coaching session for $97!”
If you choose this option, make sure customers book their sessions with you well in advance so you can have time to prepare for it. You can have your virtual assistant send out a questionnaire to help you figure out what they want to cover. If you’re not using a virtual assistant, you can send it yourself.
Just Ask!
Don’t forget to use your built-in resource! Ask your students for feedback!
Ask specific questions to increase your chances of getting real answers. Provide options such as:
• What do you want to cover in the next X lessons?
• Do you want to study A or B?
• Would you rather have a coupon for the end of your trial, or an extra two weeks “free?”
Don’t ask the questions in a way that make you appear indecisive, as this can make your students lose confidence in you. You should make them feel privileged because you have a solid plan, but their input is giving them respect and flexibility. Then, show them you’re paying attention by putting their suggestions in place.
Respect your students. You will learn from as much from them as you will teach them. You will create a real bond with your students if you’ve gone into mentoring for the right reasons.
The ball’s now in your court, but if you’ve made it this far, I know you can do it!
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