Nov 2011 Product

Meditation For Peace
Now that you have “Meditation for Peace - A Guide for Discovering the Joys of Meditation to Achieve Peace and Calmness” eBook in front of you. As I am a great follower of the thought that one should accept the valuable thing wherever he finds it, I have tried to use the same approach in this eBook. I have compiled this book with great zeal by assembling the thoughts and researches of different scholars and writers. So, when you read this book, you will see different perspectives of different people regarding meditation.
Whether or not we are aware of it, people are involved in practicing meditation for a longer period of time. Meditation is basically the process of bringing peace and calmness in life, but most of the people have misconceptions about the procedures of meditation. Meditation doesn’t mean that you will have to sit for 4 to 5 hours, compromising other essential everyday jobs. So, I hope that, this book will help you in breaking some of the odd misconceptions regarding meditation. If you are able to break your misconceptions through this book, you will be able to get full advantage from different techniques of meditation. Many of you may not be aware of this and we are actually involved in meditation in one way or another.
I have already discussed that meditation is a subjective thing. There are various definitions and explanations of Meditation. People use different techniques to achieve different goals through Meditation. History remains unable to locate the person, who first started Meditation to attain self integrity and peace of mind. I will start chapter with the definitions of Meditations.
The word “Meditation” roots back to a Latin word “Meditation”. The word “Meditation” means to think, to think about something or to consider something. Later, people started using this word with reference to spiritual practices followed by Eastern world. Buddhists use word “dhyana” which is equivalent to meditation. Meditation is basically the word, which is used in modern English. Previously, it was used with different names. Now, it has been confirmed that meditation is equivalent to the Christian term “Contemplation” in its meaning and perspectives.
This e-book will be helpful for everyone, who is looking for peace, harmony, insight and relief from stress. I hope that, after reading this book, many of you will be able to practice some basic forms of meditation techniques, and this will be helpful in reducing those stresses, tensions and lack of concern with one’s own self in which we are suffering nowadays and which are the trademark of our society today.
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