Nov 2021 Product

Marketing On A Budget
Love What You Do And You’ll Never Work Another Day In Your Life
All right, welcome aboard! Today we are very lucky to have Ty Cohen with us. We’re going to be working on a Marketing From the Masters Workshop today. Ty Cohen is a multitalented guy; he is a music industry mogul, a real estate industry entrepreneur, and a master marketing coach. He is a very well rounded individual. If you go ahead and Google Ty, you will see that you get 1.2 listings
out there and two pages worth of material (books, courses, etc…) listed on Amazon. I’m willing to bet that he has more marketing
knowledge in his baby finger nail than most people have in an entire lifetime. Now, without further ado, I would like to welcome Ty here today and just say thanks for being here today with us, Ty.
Hey Terry, I appreciate you having me on a call. I just wanted to say that, when you said 1.2 listings I think you meant to say 1.2 million listings.
Did I say 1.2 listings? I meant 1.2 million listings; I have to clarify.
You almost gave me a heart attack. I know Google does a lot of dances; they do the Google shake and Google break dance, as I like to call it. So I was like, Google screwed me over overnight… I looked at it last night and it was at 1.2 million or something like that and now I’m down to 1.2 listings.
Nope, it’s 1.2 million. I got the stats a little bit wrong there.
Good, I can sleep easy tonight. I thought it was back to square one for me.
Nope, you’re still on top, buddy. Alright, Ty, maybe we can start off with your background and you can tell us where you came from and how you got where you are today.
And much much More...
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