Sept 2010 Product

Living Green
The Earth has a fixed amount of natural resources - some of which are already consumed. So as population development greatly strains our finite resources, there are fewer resources useable. If we mean to leave our youngsters and grandchildren with the same standard of life we have savored, we must preserve the foundation of that standard of life. We save for college educations, dental orthopedics, and weddings, but what about saving fresh air, water, fuel sources and soil for future generations?
The environment is a big issue and there are numerous areas that are being targeted by the "green movement" one of which is laundry. So take a moment to think about what you pour into your washing machine and how much energy you use washing clothes as well as drying them.
Using cold water over hot water will save about 3 times the amount of energy used when washing. Some European detergents are formulated to use hot water when washing, so stick to detergent made in America which work fine with cold water. Use soap that works well in cold water and start your wash by filling the washer with water before adding the soap and then finally the clothes. Using a small amount of baking soda can also cut back the amount of detergent needed for a wash. A large amount of cleaning is a result of the agitation of the water and not by the detergent.
Use a detergent that's environmentally friendly. There are many types of detergent but it is unclear which are natural and safe for the environment so you may have to do your own research. Don't be tricked by marketing-- check for yourself what is really in the detergent and what you're spending money on. If possible hang dry your clothes. Dryers use a large amount or electricity and money. Plus if you hang dry your clothes the fresh air and the sunlight naturally whitens them. Clothes will turn out cleaner since most stains are set in by the heat of the dryer.
We need to take care of the Earth we live on. You have just heard about "going green"-but just how difficult is it? It may seem like an intimidating task, but this book has given you some simple tips that anybody can do-that will make a positive impact on our world.
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