April 2014 Product

Kindling Success
"Discover How To Publish Your Very Own eBook On Amazon Kindle And Become An Instant Author... Even If You're Just A Beginner"
In This Guide You'll Find Out How To Research A Hot Topic, Create Your eBook And Publish It To The Amazon Kindle Store
How would you like to tap into millions of readers and customers who want to buy read your eBook?
Imagine being able to make sales every single day from a single Kindle eBook? What if you had dozens of Kindle eBooks?
Many businesses and services have jumped on the eBook band wagon and achieved success by publishing them online.
Ebooks can be written about any subject or topic you feel your viewers would love to read.
Unless you’ve been living in an extremely remote part of the world, you’ve probably heard of a Kindle Fire, but you might not know exactly what it is and how it operates.
The Kindle is a mini tablet. Technically, it’s computer version of the Kindle eBook reader that runs a forked version of Google’s Android system.
As you can see, the Kindle Fire is an awesome piece of technology. That alone makes people want to have one. It also has many other benefits that make it perfect for your choice to publish your eBook. Never thought of publishing an ebook on
Kindle before? Don’t worry. If you follow the ideas in this book, you’ll be a published author before you know it.
I hope you’re getting excited about the possibility of writing your own eBook and publishing it on Kindle now. You at least know
WHY you SHOULD do it. If you’re worried about how to do it, it’s easier than you may think. Remember, everyone hates first things. I remember the first time I was called to the principal’s office. My knees shook the whole way there. I kept going over that very small list of things he may have considered wrong. I was so shook up I didn’t think I’d make it through the door. I did, and my mom was waiting for me. I had an appointment she forgot to tell me about!
Was I relieved? The point is, I got myself all worked up over nothing. If you’re getting worked up about writing an eBook, you’re getting worked up over nothing. It really isn’t that difficult.
Many people never take the opportunity to explore the possibility of eBooks because they just don’t feel they have what it takes to write a book. When you write eBooks, however, it’s a bit different. You’re not looking for a 300-page novel. Some eBooks are only about 20 pages long. A good one will probably be at least 30-40 pages. There is, however, no limit. They can be as long or as short as you want them to be or as long or as short as you feel they need to be.
You can even hire others to write your eBooks for you if you'd like.
I have found, however, that writing your own eBooks and publishing them on Amazon Kindle is another wonderful and profitable way for you to build any business or service you operate.
With the ease and convenience of acquiring ebooks, who doesn't love it?
Millions of people have an Amazon Kindle device or eReader. You're basically putting your eBook in front of them. We're talking about millions of users!
So how do you get started?
What should your eBook be about?
How do you know it will sell?
You're in luck! I've written a special guide showing you how to start and publish your very own Kindle eBook... even if you're just a beginner!
Let me present to you...
Kindling Success
Don't freak out if you're not technologically savvy. You don't have to be. In this book, you'll learn how to write a good eBook, add a little "Kindling" and get your business off to a burning success!
More specifically, you'll discover:
How to harness and tap into millions of readers from Amazon's Kindle store.
How to research a hot topic for your Kindle eBook so you can determine whether to approach it.
How to properly format and put your eBook together your eBook so it'll get accepted in Amazon's Kindle store.
How much should you price your eBook? Consider these factors.
How to promote your Kindle eBook once it's published in Amazon.
How to track the sales of your eBook.
Top tools and resources to help you format and publish your eBook to the Amazon Kindle store.
...and much, much more!
How Can I Use This Powerful Guide Right Now?
You can own Kindling Success Today for a mere $7.00.
That is a truly incredible value, especially considering the significant difference it'll make to your bottom line.
It’s definitely a point worth repeating. You will be hard-pressed to find a more valuable resource to learn how to take advantage of Amazon Kindle.
Your purchase is absolutely risk free. Try the product for 30 days, and if you're not satisfied just send me an email and I'll send you a refund right away. So there's absolutely no risk on your part. All the risk is on me.
I'm delighted to have the chance to share this powerful guide to with you, and we know you’ll be very happy with the results.
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