Dec 2013 Product

Internet Security
This product contains the following contents
"Your Benefit Oriented Main Headline Goes Here, It's A Good Idea To Make It In Quotes, Capitalize Each Word, And Make It An Inverted Pyramid By Adjusting The Line Lengths Using Shift-Enter At The End Of The Lines"
Internet Security Tips and Information
Internet Security- The Truth About Identify Theft
You would hate to think that by ordering that new purse or buying that airline ticket for vacation might end up costing you your identity. While most websites are secure when it comes to transactions, your personal and financial information can be compromised. As a result, they can open credit cards, checking accounts, and even get an ID and purchase a new car with your personal information. As a result, you could end up owing thousands of dollars, as well as have to seek legal help which can cost even more money.
Identify theft can unfortunately happen to anyone. Here is some information that might be helpful in recognizing it and preventing it to maintain your internet security.
Signs that Your Personal Information Might Be Compromised
1. You receive something that you did not order.
2. Unexplained things pop up on your credit report. You might not even notice this until you try to purchase something and you are declined due to your poor credit rating.
3. Unexplained purchases show up in your checking account or on your credit cards.
4. You receive calls from bill collectors for accounts that you did not open.
Preventing Identity Theft
1. Always shred any unwanted credit card offers or mail that might contain personal information such as your account number, social security number, checking account number, etc.
2. Stay up to date on the latest scams. There are several websites devoted to this.
3. use anti spam ware and ensure that your e-mail account has a spam filter on it to deposit unwanted emails into.
4. Check the privacy policy on a website that asks for personal information. Don't submit anything if it doesn't have one.
5. Don't keep your personal or financial information on your computer. Likewise, don't store your passwords on your computer either.
6. Don't open an attachment if you receive an e-mail from someone that you don't know. Use an anti-virus program to scan the e-mail first to make sure that it doesn't contain any phishing or virus programs on it.
7. Keep your firewalls and anti-virus software up-to-date on all of your computers.
If you suspect that your security has been compromised, change all of your passwords, cancel your credit cards, close your bank account, and report it to the police. Also, report the activity at once to your financial institution and credit card company.
Internet Security- 2 Tips for Using Facebook
1. Make your profile private. You can do this in a number of ways. You can make it so that only your friends can see your information and photos, or you can make it so that people can see your name and information but not your photos or wall unless you add them as a friend. Check this out under your “privacy settings”tap on your account.
2. Block people that you don't want to see your information. There is a choice under their photograph that will allow you to block them. When you do this, you will not show up on a search that they do and they will not see anything having to do with your account. It will be as though you do not exist to this person. This is a good feature is someone specifically is bothering you.
Internet Security- 2 Tips to Protect Yourself When Dating Online
A lot of people find great, healthy relationships through online dating communities. Most of the people who sign up for them are legitimately looking for love and relationships. However, there are always going to be people out there who will take advantage of others.
So what can you do to protect your internet security, and yourself, when using online dating websites?
1. If you do decide to meet someone in person, do it in a public place. Preferably, meet them in daylight hours and ask someone to go with you. If that doesn't work, then at least leave information with a trusted person which includes where you are going, how long you plan on staying,a s well as anything identifiable about the person that you are meeting.
2. Do not rely on a photograph. It might not even be the person that you are really talking to. Or, it could have been them 20 years before. People use different pictures or are dishonest about their appearance all the time.
Why do people use Spyware?
Spyware is typically used for marketing purposes. When a company makes spyware, they get contracts from other companies that pay them well. They can direct traffic to other websites that are similar. For this reason, they can be be good.
What kinds of spyware is out there?
Most spyware is adware. Adware captures data for advertising that is targeted. Malware, on the other hand, causes problems with your computer. Malware can be a virus that harms your computer, for example, or hijack your computer's information
What else can spyware do?
It can cause you to lose control of your computer. It can also cause error messages and make your computer run slower, which is a big annoyance in and of itself. Your computer can even be used to send out emails that contain viruses or for illegal purposes if the right hacker gets into it.
Internet Security- Protecting Yourself When You Shop Online
The internet can be a great place to go shopping! You can do it right from your home with little to effort. However, there are horror stories from people who have had their credit card and even entire identities stolen. So what can you do to protect yourself from this happening to you?
• Keep in mind that a lot of credit card companies have provisions for challenging fraudulent charges. If you see something that doesn't look right on your bill, give them a call. Also, print out a copy of every receipt of what you buy.
• Only shop at sites that contain a physical address and a telephone number. If you feel leery about them, either trust your gut or give them a call or email. See how quickly they return your message. If you call them, don't just talk to a machine, talk to a person. Remember who you spoke to. Ordering from a trusted site might be better than one you have never heard of. For example,. Ordering straight from Old Navy is probably more secure than ordering from a random woman online who sells Old Navy.
This is not the time to make a list of the features of your product or service. No, you need to tell them the end result they get from those features... the benefits, and notice there is no period after each of these bullets, you may use an exclamation point, but sparingly
Benefits are the positive results your customer gets
Features are the characteristics and specifications of your product or service
To help you come up with benefits, start off by listing all the features of your product
Then come up with the resulting positive benefit that your customer gets from that feature
The best way to see how to do this is to look at successful salesletters
Once you have your benefit list, make a list of them in your salesletter using headlines as Benefit Bullets. It's kind of like a rapid fire presentation of the major benefits your customer gets when they buy your product
And you can see I've alternated font settings to help give a little visual relief... (bold, then default, then bold, then italic, etc)
And much, much more!
Sub-Headline Into Your Irresistible Offer
Now they're primed and ready to hear your offer.
And if you're good, you'll make them an irresistible offer.
An offer that provides more resulting value than the money you are asking them to spend with you.
In other words, a terrific deal for the customer.
In addition to your product, you may build more resulting value to your offer by including special bonuses, a longer guarantee, after the sale services for free, special package pricing, etc.
And make sure to tell your customer all the reasons why these extras are valuable to them. Just like in telling them the benefits of your main product, you must also tell them the resulting benefits they receive from the added bonuses you're offering them.
Take Away Their Risk...
Give Them Your Guarantee
Now let's overcome their last fear of purchasing.
You've got to reverse the risk.
You, the seller, must take the risk in this transaction.
You give them your 100% money-back guarantee, and for the longest period possible.
Think about, isn't that what you want when you make a purchase?
You want to be assured that if this doesn't work, or if it's not what the seller has promised, that you can get your money back without a big fight.
Most likely you already will refund money to someone who is not satisfied with your product or service, life's too short to have unhappy customers, isn't it?
So all I'm saying is promote your guarantee, make it an integral part of your offer.
Sub-Headline Into Warning - It's In Limited Supply... Tell
Them, They'll Want It Even More (The Scarcity Persuader)
Now let's time to poke and prod just a little.
You've answered the reasons why and helped justify their buying decision, but still they need another emotional stir to get them to take action.
Enter in... Scarcity.
People will buy now, if they believe what you're offering them is scarce.
Now it may be the number of these you have available for sale, it may be a time limitation, it may be that your pricing is going up... whatever it is, you must tell them they need to take action now, or miss out on this offer.
Tell Them Exactly How To Order Now
It's time to tell your reader exactly what to do ... Buy! And how to do it.
You must give them precisely the how, what and when of ordering ... and do so in a very clear manner.
Don't confuse them now, they've already decided to buy, and now it's your job to make it easy for them to do so.
Let them pay you. Take their cash, check, credit card... by internet, phone, fax, in your store or office, or by mail.
Let them order whatever way the want, but let them order.
And tell them exactly how to do it.
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