June 2023 Product

Instant Free Traffic Secrets
First of all, thanks for taking the time to read this eBook! I truly hope you can pick up something useful which can be applied to your online business instantaneously. The strategies mentioned are actually rather common and easy to apply. However, I often hear many people complaining about not having enough traffic to their websites.
Chances are, you probably know a ton of traffic generation techniques yourself. So what you need to do after reading this eBook is actually sit down and start implementing & mastering all that you’ve learnt instead of searching more traffic tactics to add to your arsenal of weapons.
Let me first start off with the basics and introduce you to a very simple formula to online success:
Traffic + Conversion = Profits
A very simple formula indeed. Basically, the above formula establishes the main determinants of your online profits. As you can see, once you’ve got your online business up and running, you essentially need to work on two things to increase your profits – Traffic and Conversion. (Conversion measures the success rate of achieving the goals of your site, such as getting the opt-ins or sales)
However, most marketers make the mistake of being over-focused on driving traffic and neglect the importance of improving their conversion rates. Think for a moment, if you’re simply driving to a site which offers lousy content or a sales page that does not convert, what can you expect to achieve? So you have to understand that the site that gets the most traffic does not necessarily make the most money.
Then there’s the issue of how targeted your traffic is. Targeted traffic refers to visitors who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer and are hence more likely to purchase from you. Frankly, I would rather have just a little ‘laser targeted’ traffic than have a ton of useless unqualified traffic.
So with that being said, is traffic important? You bet! As you saw in the formula above, traffic determines one half of your online profits. It’s just that you should also work on your content and conversion at the same time. Else, you will simply be wasting your time.
Lastly, focus on driving targeted traffic! And remember, you do not have to implement ALL the traffic generation techniques that you know. You just have to master a few and be damn good at it. That’s the secret to boosting your income.
With that being said, enjoy the ‘4 Instant Free Traffic Secrets’ I’ve compiled for you!
Free Traffic Secret #1: Article Marketing If you don’t know what I’m talking about when I say, article marketing it’s simply writing articles and submitting them to the popular article directories on the internet.
I’m going to show you how you can start off getting big time traffic using free tools to skyrocket your traffic with article marketing and then take it to the next level once you’ve started generating cash.
And much, much more ...
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