You Keep All the Profits

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Nov 2008 Product

Infinite Profits

Infinite Profits

I know what you’re thinking right now.  You’re thinking, “I don’t really care why you created this e-book, I just want to make money online!” And hey, I agree with you!  I hate buying e-books where they spend the first 50 pages telling you how great they are and how much money they have made and how great the Internet is and why you should consider getting into it and all that other boring stuff…

Sigh…  Why not just teach the stuff that makes money?

That is why I created this e-book, and that is why you should stop everything else you are doing right now, and read through EVERYTHING here as quickly as you can. Sure, you could just read the first few chapters and then go and apply it (you ARE going to apply this, aren’t you?), but then you’d be missing out on the bigger picture.

That’s right, the bigger picture. What is this bigger picture?  Well, I can tell you what it isn’t.  It isn’t:

  • How to make money by selling e-books
  • How to make money by selling other people’s products (i.e. affiliate marketing)
  • How to get more traffic
  • How to make more sales
  • How to build a list

All of those things are great, and they do help you to fulfill your dreams, but they aren’t what make a business a profitable business. I won’t fill this up with a ton of fluff that will take up 150 pages to teach what could be taught in 10. I’ll cut through the B.S. and the false ideas that are out there, and I’ll show you where the REAL money is.

And no, it’s not in e-books. And no, it’s not truly “in the list.” And no, it’s not in affiliate marketing. So what is the “big secret” of the “bigger picture?”  It’s quite simple actually.  In fact, I can sum it up into one word. All kidding aside, there is a much easier and better way to make $100,000 in a year, and most people will be able to do it within their first year.

And just a side note, the one big thing that keeps people from this potential is a simple lack of focus and a lack of action-taking. If you want to be like 99% of the failing “business owners” out there, simply do nothing and you’ll succeed just like they have. Wait a second!  I never finished telling you all about continuity and why it is included in the Infinite Profits system!

Well, you’ll find out in this chapter, I promise.   And for those of you who don’t even know what the word “continuity” means, you’ll be an expert on it by the end of this book.

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