July 2010 Product

How To Write Your First Article
This eBook contain the following contains
Are You Ready to Write Your First Article?
Writing Your Article Title 6 Article Structure
Review & Edit Your Article
Different Types of Articles
Writing for Search Engine Optimisation
Developing Your Writing Style
Let’s Start Writing!
Are You Ready to Write Your First Article?
The purpose of this guide is to teach you how to write an article, one that will get your reader to click on the link in the Author’s Resource Box so your reader’s will visit your website. I am assuming if you are reading this guide that you have never written an article before, or that you haven’t written many articles. Or, perhaps you have written a few articles but want to know how to write a better article, the type of article that will (1) get published, (2) get read and (3) get readers to visit your website.
This guide also assumes you have already completed niche research and keyword research on the subject you plan to write about. Now, why would you want to write articles? Because you need to boost traffic to your website, and article writing is a great tool for doing that. Article marketing often provides many small business owners with a free form of marketing and advertising.
Often new businesses on the web may garner just a handful or a few dozen visitors each week. You may have a few hundred visitors coming to your website if you have established your business. Think about how much more business you could be doing if you had a few thousand visitors coming to your site each week. Is it possible? It is, if you create great articles that get your name out there and links to your website.
Articles can become a traffic magnet when written well. They can generate tons of targeted traffic. And, you don’t have to spend a lot of time writing articles once you get the hang of it. In fact you can probably spend just one to two hours a week working on your articles once you get the hang of it. That’s not very much time at all.
Writing Your Article Title 6 Article Structure
The title of your article is the most important part of your article. If the rest of your article is only ok, but the title of your article is great, then there is a pretty good chance most people will read your article.
The good news is you will create a great article AND a great title using this guide. A great title, however, is critical because it will get your article published and entice people to read your article. An attractive title sells your article and your website. It tells people you know what you know. It conveys expertise.
You Can Sell And Promote With A Great Title
The title is also known as the “headline,” although you may have many separate “headlines” or sub-headlines throughout your article. This part of your article is the main piece or the feature of your article because it is what you hope will draw people in, like a worm on a fishing pole.
Now, let’s pause for a minute to think about why it is so important to have a great title.
Think about all of the articles you pass by in the grocery store when you go to the checkout line and see the magazines piled up at the counter.
Which articles are you most likely to read? The ones with the most dynamic titles, because you are short on time, right? It’s not like you are going to be in the checkout line at the grocery store very long.
The same is true of your visitors online. They are not going to hang around that web page very long. So, they are going to look for articles that have the most interesting titles and headlines. They look for the ones that are concise and attention-grabbing.
If your headline is not good, then why would the reader pursue what it is you have to say? That said, your title must also be accurate. You can’t just paste some flashy headline about anything on your article and hope for the best. If you talk about the 10 Greatest Tips For
Making Money, then your article should cover making money, not how to raise goldfish. If you don’t offer what you say you will, you won’t get anywhere.
Your Title Should Define Your Article
Your title should be the start and end point of your article, defining where your article will start and end. Your reader should have a sense of what they will get from your article after reading it.
This may sound like a lot of work, and on the surface it is. But it shouldn’t cause you a lot of grief. You shouldn’t spend hours sweating it out trying to come up with great titles.
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