Sept 2012 Product

How to Targeted Your Local Market
This ebook contain the folloiwing contents
The only way to get offline clients and get them paying you a ton of money up front and a monthly fee is to have them know that you exist!
If they don’t know who you are and don’t know that you even exist AND don’t know that you can help their business there is absolutely 0 chance that they will ever cut you a check. Can we agree on that much?
There are a ton of ways to get in front of business owners. I am sure that you have read all sorts of reports about them:
1. Cold calling. Who really wants to do that?
2. Emailing. Can-Spam compliant ways to do this are few and
far between.
3. Networking. This can be a great way to get in front of the
business owners in your local area. It requires you to go
out and actually talk to people.
4. Asking family and friends. This isn’t some sort of MLM we
are starting here!
I am sure that you can add a few more to that list if you have bought a good amount of courses on online marketing. Report isn’t going to debate the merits of any of these methods. They all work if you are willing to put the time and effort into them.
The last method I forgot to mention is buying domains, getting them ranked and then calling business owners. This requires both cold calling and purchasing domains that might sit in your account forever with nothing ever coming of them.
The reason I listed the last method is that we are going to be doing a version of that which won’t cost you the price of a domain name every time you want to target a different niche.
You can target city dentist, lawyer and accountant without having to buy a domain name for each one.
We are going to be leveraging videos and Youtube to get in front of our prospective clients and we are going to force them to notice us!
The twist I put on making sure that THEY NOTICE YOUR VIDEO is 1 of the most clever marketing tactics that I have ever come up with. It is so damn cheap I can’t believe it.
1st thing 1st is that we need something that will cause business owners to pick up the phone and call you. For that to happen you will need some sort of web property.
The video that we are going to be uploading to YouTube will be a quick 1-2 minute video that will sell your services to theprospective business owner. Don’t worry, I will be providing you the script and Power Point template for you to use.
The thing to remember here is that Youtube can’t read the content of the videos. (at least I don’t think they can just yet) That means that the only thing that they have to go on is the description and everything that you put on it when you upload the video.
That means that you can rank these videos for money keywords that the business owners would want their website ranking for. Since the video will be an advertisement for your business you will be proving to them that you can get the job done as far as getting traffic and at the same time be right in their face with your message. I will cover how to make sure that they notice your video later on in the report.
Uploading to YouTube
This is the only part of the process that you have any control over the “On page SEO” since Youtube will only allow you to have certain specs on your video.
The 1st thing that you need to do is makes sure that your video is named the exact term that you are going after. For this example I am going to be using “Houston Dentist”.
And much more...
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