July 2012 Product

How to Sell Anything to Anyone
It is a highly competitive world we live in, and we can say that again without sounding cliched. Even as you are creating your sales page, you are at a loss to decide what to put on this page so that it does not look as though it is merely ripped off from your competitors. You are always on the lookout to find something special to put on your sales page that will make the people sit up and take notice of it.
Now, what better can work for that than a great story? We are not talking about Aesop‟s Fables here, but if you could weave in a story of how you came up with the product or how you started the business, it could add great human factor to the sales page.
Don‟t think that you don‟t have a story. Everyone has. You just have to dig it out. Was there some impediment in coming up with this product? Probably you almost never made it. That‟s a story. Or maybe you got a single jolt of inspiration that suddenly put the idea of building this product and getting into this business in your head. That‟s another great idea for a story. Or you could tell – and this would be to your great advantage – how your product made a big difference to someone, maybe even changing their lives for the better. Maybe you could even get a testimonial from them with their picture and signature and put it up on the sales page. Such things do work wonderfully; there‟s no question about that.
Master Resale Rights License Terms:
- You can put your name or pen name on the product as the author.
- You can edit the contents of the product e.g. putting in your affiliate links, adding and removing text, inserting pictures and advertisements, etc.
- You can change the title and sub-title of the product.
- You can sell the product (E-Book) in PDF format. The suggested selling price is $27.00 - $47.00.
- You can break the contents of the product into articles for article submission purposes or add content to your website, blog or e-zine, and include your resource box.
- You can spawn a series of short reports (free or paid) by breaking down the contents of the product.
- You can add the product into a membership site (paid only).
- You can add the product into your product bundle or package and sell for a higher price.
- You can offer the Basic Resell Rights and/or Master Resell Rights to the PDF E-Book. The suggested selling price is $47.00 - $67.00. By offering the resell rights, you CANNOT under any circumstances offer any Re-branding Rights - selling the PDF form only.
- You can produce audio/video content from the materials in this product.
- You CAN give the product away for FREE but ONLY for PDF, not the Word doc
- You CANNOT offer the product as a bonus to another product you are selling. However, you can offer other bonuses to this product when selling.
- You CANNOT sell the product on auction sites such as eBay.com.
- You CANNOT use nor sell this product in a dime sale event, under any circumstances at all. An event that constitutes a dime sale is one whereby the product starts selling at a very low price and increases every dime after a certain time frame or with every purchase using the dime sale script.
- You CANNOT offer or give away, sell the Word Doc. in any way at all!