July 2010 Product

How To Believe In Yourself And Gain Mastery
This eBook contain the following contains
You Are You – Being Realistic about Yourself
Goals – How They Help Your Self-Belief
Appreciate Your Successes
It Is Better to Have Tried than Not at All
Constantly Improving Your Idea of Self
Moving toward Mastery
The 4 Vital Ingredients for Achieving Mastery
Mobilizing Your Strengths, Improving Your Weaknesses
Avoiding Stress and Keeping Focus
Awareness of Self Is Attaining of Mastery
You Are You – Being Realistic about Yourself
One of the most important things you need to do to achieve any kind of success is to be very realistic about yourself. You need to understand who you really are. Now, if you cannot even run for three minutes, you cannot start believing that you can win a gold medal in running, can you? Probably you can if you practice, but certainly not with what you are at present. This is what is extremely important to you when you begin. You have to understand your strengths and your capabilities. Realizing that is a very important step of believing in yourself.
There are people all around you achieving something or the other. Some are experts at playing the guitar, some are very brilliant with accounting, and some are great at housekeeping and so on. When we see such people, we do get impressed and we do say something, “I wish I was like him or her.” This is common human tendency. But that does not help us when we are trying to foster our belief in ourselves. If we are to do that properly, the most important thing we need is to know what we are really capable of.
Take a moment to think. Think what your strengths are. Think what you can do. We are not talking about things that you are an expert in, even some amount of knowledge in that particular area will do. Then take a blank sheet of paper and write down these things. Then arrange them in order. The first three things should be the things that you really do well, followed by things that you can do fairly well, followed by things that you can barely do but you can learn and improve. Take a look at this sheet of paper. Keep it with you always. This is what you are capable of. It is a part of what you are.
This realization is extremely valuable to you when you are trying to make a self- assessment. You need to know what you can do and what you can improve upon. If you are trying to become a master at something, it is very important to be sure of yourself and not live under illusions.
Remember that you shouldn’t take what people say at face value. Someone may tell you that you paint well, but that person may be prejudiced. You have to value yourself. Probably entering into a competition will tell you where you stand. At the same time, don’t shoot yourself down too much either. If you are good at something, you are good at it. Don’t get overworked that you aren’t as good as the legends. You can always improve.
The most important thing is to value yourself. When you know your limitations and your potentials, you know you can stand much better on your own.
Goals – How They Help Your Self-Belief
Goals are a very important aspect of our life. We are rationally thinking creatures; we don’t live by instinct. That is the reason we need goals that can help us take from one point to another in our lives. When we are at school, our goals could be to achieve a particular grade; when we are in college, our goal might be to score a particular mark to get admission in a certain professional course; when we are able to work, our goal could be to get into a particular organization and so on. We are always setting goals for ourselves, and trying to reach them.
If you aren’t establishing goals already, you are leading an unplanned life. Your life lacks direction. You aren’t living; you are merely existing. You are merely taking life as it comes.
However, a person who has goals in life has one very important benefit. They come to know what they are really worth. If you have set a particular goal for yourself and you achieve it, you know you are capable of that. This makes you surer about yourself. You know now that this was something you could do and you did. This is not just something on your résumé; it is something that is etched into your life – it has become a part of yourself. And it will reinforce the belief you have in yourself.
Consider this. You set a goal to earn a hundred thousand in the first three months of your business. When you are setting the goal, you are only shooting in the dark, whatever the factors that influence your goal-setting might be. But then you really strike this achievement. Now, you know that wasn’t shooting in the dark. You know you are capable of such a thing. It has made you believe in yourself and you can go and plan bigger things.
This is what goals do. They concretize something that’s just a hazy picture, a vague idea. Goal achievement makes you realize your strengths and helps your belief in an enormous way.
Appreciate Your Successes
When you are moving on your path of progress, you will have hits as well as misses. There will be things you will do better that you expected and there will be things that you will flounder at. Now, it is very important that you understand what you achieve. It is very important that you realize where you have succeeded and you appreciate it because this is what will propel you forward.
When you achieve something, however trivial it might be, make sure to take some time out and celebrate it. It does not need to be a huge celebration, but you must do something to underline the fact that you achieved something. You might just want to hang out with your friends and party or maybe take a break and go on a holiday that has been long overdue. But, celebrating is must.
Why is that so important? For one, when you are celebrating something, you are creating a memory. You will remember the success better because you partied after that. You will etch it into your subconscious and conscious mind. And when you remember your success in a better way, you will remember that you were capable of achieving that. This success gets written in indelible ink in your list of accomplishments – it adds to your self-belief.
But if you don’t party and let the achievement pass you by without a whimper, you are likely to forget about it soon. It won’t amount to much either because there’s no happy association that you have created for it.
It is highly important to involve people in your celebrations. People around us reinforce our feelings. If you party with friends or family, these people understand the magnitude of your accomplishment too. Chances are that their zest and zeal for celebrating your success will rub off on you and make it linger. There will also be a lot of talk about your achievement and many of these things will remain with you forever.
And much more...
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