Sept 2010 Product

Healthy Mind Healthy Body
Your health and weight is decided by your eating habits. Your social habits bear upon your relationship with others. Your sleeping habit dictates how well you rest. Your working habits bear upon your success. The way you accomplish things, and the things you daily are all related to your habits - like the beginning thing you do the moment you wake up ; which hand holds the tooth brush, and how you hold and use tooth paste are all habits you've developed.
Why is there such great power in favorable habits to bring about change in our life? Because by their very nature, habits are machine like. After a time period they may become permanent. A habit becomes a voluntary process and in turn develops into an assumed behavior pattern that becomes part of you.
Foul habits, dependence and healthy habits are subconscious behaviors forged through repetition. Individuals who have adverse health habits are aware of the effects and risks to their well-being. They feel the squeeze on their wallets. They also Understand other people get annoyed and bothered being around them.
But as long as they're reluctant to abandon the foul practice, they'll allow their mental conditioning to have control over their lives. If they do stop, it's temporary. They'll get back to it again.
It takes approximately twenty-one days of determination and correction to alter or form a fresh habit. Some of these that have been deep-rooted so deep in the brain will take a lot longer. This is why there are support groups and tools to assist individuals with addictive behavior. Some individuals can't do it alone or have no self-control.
Smoking is regarded as among the gravest evils prevailing in the society today. Individuals buckle under to this fatal dependency mostly because they're unaware of the 'stop smoking benefits'. Smoking, just like a slow poison, becomes pernicious to your mind and body, eventually decreasing you to a state, from where recovery is nearly inconceivable. The present generation thinks smoking a capital stress buster or a cool style. A puff 'just for today' goes past to 'several in a day', resulting in an obstinate addiction. Quitting smoking isn't an overnight matter. Once individuals come to know about the advantages of not smoking, it becomes easier to abolish the addiction.
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