Oct 2013 Product

Harmonic Prosperity
Alter the way that you think from now on. You'll no longer have negative statements. If you find yourself saying something damaging immediately stop yourself and complete it positively. Every negative statement that you make is embedding a negative seed in your mind whereas every positive statement is embedding a positive seed. Your subconscious takes everything literally and if you make a damaging statement or a positive statement it will attempt everything within its power to make those statements come to pass. From now on you wish only positive statements like “I can afford it” or “I can accomplish this”.
The law of life is the law of belief. A belief is an idea in your mind. Don't believe in affairs that may harm you or drag you down. Trust in the power of your subconscious to mend, strengthen and cause you to succeed. What the mind can consider, the mind may accomplish. You're forever on the look-out for great, positive opportunities. Fresh opportunities easily and often come your way. You're on top of your game and realize all opportunities as they happen. You forever seem to be at the correct place at the correct time. Alter your thoughts and you alter your fate. See yourself the way you wish to be. Envision yourself right now as the prosperous individual that you wish to be, understand that you've a right to be this individual.
You merit prosperity. Prosperity, wellness and happiness are natural. Poorness, illness and sorrow are un-natural. So imagine the natural you, as that fit, happy and prospering individual. Get it distinctly in your mind. What are you wearing? What are you doing? Center on how you're feeling emotionally and physically as this fit, happy and prosperous individual. See yourself no longer experiencing stress from bills as you now have more than adequate money to pay bills, invest in your business, your future and even plenty for a holiday and travel. You now have more than enough! This individual that you're imagining right now is you, admit it as you. Let it become you. As you accept it and admit yourself as this fit, happy and prosperous individual, so will it become. Place everything about this individual in your memory, how you look, how feel and how you're behaving, so you are able to recall it and see yourself as this individual as often as possible. Provided you can keep these positive ideas and memories alive, they'll become your truth.
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