April 2013 Product

Getting The Perfect Job
This ebook contain the folloiwing contents
How to Prepare for the Interview
Choosing the Perfect Job
Conducting Your Job Search
Conducting Yourself at the Interview
Dressing for the Interview
Enhance Your Skills to Find the Perfect Job
How to Prepare for the Interview
In order to get the perfect job you have to first pass the interview process and get to the hiring manager. That means you have to know how to conduct yourself at the interview in order to even pass the first stage. There are some places that will hire you directly without going through the hiring manager but you still have to pass the interview process to be hired. Many people just go to an interview and have no idea what they need to do or how to conduct oneself and end up losing the job because of it.
One of the places many people go wrong at interviews is not having a clue about the company or the position. Not all companies ask that question but you have to be prepared. It makes you look foolish if you don’t know anything about the company. They assume if you want to work for them you will take the time to find something out about the company. You do not have to know a great deal, but you should at least know what the company does and the types of products or services they provide.
Choosing the Perfect Job
Once you have already defined what the perfect job is to you it’s time to begin looking for positions that meet those requirements. The way you do that is by putting all of your attributes together and connecting them with available positions. You want to be realistic when you take this step and not try to find the job that includes every attribute on your list. What you want to do is find something that closely matches what you perceive to be the perfect job rather than trying to find something that has everything you want.
One of the problems many people run across when they are looking for the perfect job is expecting too much. For example, you may feel you are worth $30,000 as an experienced administrative assistant but there may not be available positions to support that. Be willing to accept less than what you want in order to get into the position of your dreams. That does not mean you have to take something you do not really want but you do want to leave some leeway for compromise.
Conducting Your Job Search
There is no one method of conducting a job search that will provide better results than another. However, it is important to keep in mind that the job market today is different than it was even ten years ago and many employers refuse to see applicants until they have seen a resume first. At the same time, very few employers will accept resumes unless they have a job opening available. The other problem is that employers are also no longer accepting resumes without knowing specifically what a job applicant is seeking. It makes it easier for the employer but more difficult for the job applicant who is seeking to work his or her way into the perfect job.
Where is the best place to start? Since many employers today are utilizing online resources this may be your best bet. With so many job posting sites, it’s a good idea to look at several job posting boards rather than just one or two. Although some may be more popular than others, they are not the only ones employers utilize. You want to exercise all of your options and you can only do that if you take the time to look at all of the job boards that her available online.
Conducting Yourself at the Interview
You have all the qualifications and you have great references, so why don’t you get the perfect job you so desire? It may be the way you conducted the interview that has prevented you from getting the job. Certainly many people become nervous at an interview but failing at the interview goes beyond just being nervous. In fact, there are things that some interviewees do that go beyond the scope of acceptable.
Do not smoke during or before the interview
Although in today’s world, smoking during the interview is likely to be impossible unless you are outside, you also want to avoid smoking right before the interview and bringing the strong odor of smoke into the room. If you do smoke, have the courtesy to use breath spray or mints afterward. Nothing detracts from a conversation quicker than the smell of cigarette smoke.
Dressing for the Interview
One of the key factors that will help you achieve success in getting that perfect job is the way you dress when you interview. Even if you are applying for a position in a warehouse, do not assume it is acceptable to dress in jeans and a sweatshirt. In fact, it is never acceptable to wear jeans to an interview unless the company tells you specifically that they are having a casual day on the day of your interview or that you will be in an area where jeans or other casual clothing would be more appropriate.
Although it is becoming more common for both men and women to dress in business casual clothing for interviews, you have to keep the type of position in mind when you dress. Always remember the saying taken from a book by the same name Dress for Success. What this means is dress according to the position for which you are applying. Although it may be appropriate to wear khakis and a casual top for a position as a customer service representative, when you are applying for a manager’s position you might want to wear at least a skirt and blouse for women and a suit for the men. Ladies may choose to substitute a pants suit for a skirt and blouse, especially in colder weather.
Enhance Your Skills to Find the Perfect Job
One of the best ways you can increase your chances of finding the perfect job is to enhance your skills. The more you know how to do the better your chances are of finding the job you really want. Since we have to work for a living, we may as well do something we enjoy and that may mean developing new skills in order to do something we really like. Learning is a lifetime process and with so many changes in technology, it is unlikely we will ever reach a point that we no longer have to enhance our skills in order to keep up with the growing market.
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