Dec 2016 Product

Freelance Freedom
Over the last decade, I have consistently fallen back on something that started off as a simple hobby. In fact, when I was a child my parents believed that this one talent of mine would potentially distract me from ever having a "real" career, and discouraged me from pursuing it any further.
Needless to say, I don't believe that those of us who have that creative spark can easily muffle that passion, and as the years flew by I continued to improve on the craft, believing that one day it would pay off.
And it certainly did, as I am confident that it will for you.
My talent for writing is one that I believe came from a desperate childhood where the only escape was in pouring my heart and soul out on paper. I'd create imagery worlds, characters and even families that would replace the missing pieces in my life.
Back in 1998, I developed my first website and needless to say, it was an absolute failure. I had no focus and very little experience in online development. I didn't have the funds to market my creation and it didn't take long before I tore it down and decided to take an alternative route.
I turned to my passion for writing and became a freelance writer. When I made that decision, everything instantly changed. From the moment I secured my first client, I was hooked. No longer did I have to commute to work every day, heck, I could make more money freelancing than I ever could at my 9-5 and for once, I felt in total control of my financial destiny.
But here's the one thing that I believe, above all else, that put me on the map and helped me to build a successful business despite the growing number of competing writers on the marketplace.
I didn't sell content, I sold a brand.
Let’s take a closer look at how you can build yours, and finally enter the world of successful freelancers!
When you think of "branding", what comes to mind? T.V commercials where their logo or mascot are repeatedly splashed across the screen? If so, you're right on track. But when it comes to building a brand online as a freelance writer, we don't often have the funds needed for a mass scale campaign designed to highlight our skills and saturate the marketplaces with advertisements of our services.
So, we need to take a different approach; a grassroots approach. For me, it began on a community forum where countless marketers were looking for quality content. I knew that I could provide it to them but not having developed a reputation for myself, how could I convince them to give me a shot? To put their trust in me? You have to think from the perspective of a potential buyer who doesn't know you. While YOU know that you are an experienced and capable writer, they don't.
Master Resell Rights Terms and Conditions:
[YES] Can sell and keep 100% of the sales.
[YES] Can edit the sales letter and graphics.
[YES] Can be bundled into another paid package and sell at a higher price.
[YES] Can be used as a bonus to another product you are selling.
[YES] Can be added into a membership site.
[YES] Can pass on the Resell Rights privilege to your customers.
[YES] Can pass on the Master Resell Rights privilege to your customers.
[YES] Can be given away for free.
[NO] Contents of the product can be edited, modified or altered.
[NO] CANNOT be sold with private label rights