Dec 2016 Product

Free Backlinks Bonanza
Getting high quality backlinks does not have to be expensive.
You may have the money to outsource link building or the time to do it yourself.
But, in case you don’t, the backlink sources you are about to discover are my top picks for free backlinks!
So you want to build backlinks to your site but don’t know where to start or don’t have money to outsource it? Then you have arrived to the right place! In this report you are going to find out about many different sources of free backlinks that you can start building right now for your own websites or for your SEO clients.
You will find backlinks sources from Web 2.0 sites, Social Bookmarking sites, Article Directory submissions and even from a high quality Blog Network, and you won’t have to pay a dime for a single backlink!
Yes!!! Every source of backlinks exposed here is free!
Before you go crazy building backlinks to your new site you should first make sure it is already indexed by Google. Here is a simple one-click process that will help you achieve this. And even if your site already appears in Google Search Results this is a good way to start building links.
Social bookmarking sites have been very popular among link builders because they are effective as part of a whole link building strategy. They don’t work as they used to because Google has got smarter when recognizing a marketer's attempt to manipulate search results. But you may still need to use bookmarking sites when building links just to make everything seem more natural on Google’s eyes.
Some experts think that, since bookmarks are sent by humans, Google and other search engines might consider natural and relevant that a good enough (or interesting, funny or entertaining enough) website has links pointing to it from social bookmarking sites.
Regarding the last point, I have to make clear that variety here means many different sites. Although all of them are social sites, you could get backlinks from high quality and high traffic sources like:
· Google Plus
· And many other social networking, bookmarking and micro blogging websites.
This system works in a very simple straightforward way:
You join; add your own social sites details, share users websites to gain credits and your websites get shared as well.
And Much More...
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