March 2022 Product

Forget The Hype
Welcome aboard the internet marketing ship to prosperity!!
You’ve decided to take the step, or rather the giant leap into the world of marketing online, huh? That’s great!
So where would be a good place to start? Well before we even start thinking about marketing online, we’ll need to make sure your pc is as user-friendly as possible for you, so that’s probably the best place to start. We’ll look at some ways of keeping your pc up and running, avoiding viruses and spy ware and basically keeping your computer clean and hassle-free.
Once we’ve sorted that we’ll move on and cover some basics of email and building your own opt in list to which you can send your offers. After that we’ll take a look at the different types of programs you can join and we’ll share some hints and tips on to how to avoid scams and shams.
Next, we’ll look into getting you a website. We’ll also cover some basics of website promotion. Almost at the end, we’ll see how we can build big, active downlines. Let’s face it, if you don’t have your own product, you’re going to need downlines to help you build your income, right? Finally, we’ll read some interviews with real life internet marketers of today so that you can see it CAN be done, with a bit of hard work and determination. The life of online marketers is filled with ups and downs. Some people seem to have it all, and others have nothing and get burnt badly. Which one do you want to be?
This book is not meant to scare anybody off, quite the opposite in fact. There’s a lot of money to be made online, but it can also be a dangerous place for people just starting out. Being an online marketer who has lost money in the past, I decided to put this book together in the hopes of helping YOU avoid all the scams and shams that are out there. If I can help just 1 person to "make it" without getting burnt too badly on the way, then I’ll live the rest of my life as a very satisfied person!
And much, much more...
Master Resell Rights License
[YES] Can sell and keep 100% of the sales
[YES] Can edit the sales letter and graphics
[YES] Can be bundled into another paid package and sell at a higher price
[YES] Can be used as a bonus to another product you are selling
[YES] Can be added into a membership site
[YES] Can pass on the Resell Rights privilege to your customers
[YES] Can pass on the Master Resell Rights privilege to your customers
[YES] Can be given away for free
[NO] Contents of the product can be edited, modified or altered
[NO] CANNOT be sold with private label rights
No Liability
Under no circumstances will the product creator, programmer or any of the distributors of this product, or any distributors, be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental, or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of this product This product is provided "as is" and without warranties.