Feb 2012 Product

Fiverr Cash Secrets
This ebook contain the following contents
How To Make Money From Fiver
Steps On How To Make Money At Fiverr
Identifying Your Skills
How To Post A Gig
Upgrading Your Gig
Provide Good Customer Service
Rinse and Repeat
How to Make Money from Fiverr
Fiverr is a website wherein people who are skilled in their own way can generate income. This means that you can also be a part of the ever growing individuals who are making money with Fiverr.
The main concept to this is you are to sell your services over at Fiverr and people who are interested about your services (services being offered are termed as “gigs”) will eventually hire you and you will be paid $5 in each gig that you provide.
Take note that some services or gigs can be more than the $5 value but the main point of the system is to provide affordable services in which customers can surely pay for.
Well, $5 worth of your services is fair and unselfish enough since you can still earn more per gig. This would only mean that you can earn more once you have multiple clients who are interested to your gigs. Be it about your skills or simply by selling your own physical products, you can still earn a hefty amount of money.
Steps on How to Make Money at Fiverr
Before implementing the steps in making money at Fiverr, you have to ensure that you have already created your Fiverr account. Again, you can join for free and all you have to do is to go directly over at the website (www.fiverr.com) and sign up.
Also, you can use the new feature provided by Fiverr which means you can sign up using Facebook Connect. Simply sign up with Fiverr by using your existing Facebook account. Once you have signed in, you are now a part of the Fiverr community and you can now create and post your own gigs and make money.
Identifying Your Skills
Remember that your skills are your investment in creating and selling a gig at Fiverr. This is the reason why you need to identify your strengths and your skills. This means that you have to know your best abilities in making just about anything.
You don’t need to be a graduate in college or in any university here. All you have to do is to bring out your best skills and make a gig. As an example:
• You have a good voice – Offer a song using your skills in singing.
• You are expert in drawing and painting – Offer your skills in
drawing using pencil, water color, paint brush and etc.
• You are an expert in any video making – Offer videos that will
benefit customers or make videos for them.
• You are an expert in computer graphics – Offer graphics designing for their web page.
How to Post a Gig
Remember that prior to posting your gigs; you have to create your very own gig. This means that you have to be creative in a way that online visitors will be interested to what you offer to them.
Another excellent point you have to remember here is to focus on your specific niche. In this way, customers will directly go over at your website (if in case you have one) and check some of your sample gigs.
Besides this, you also have to have an excellent portfolio. This is an important factor customers would consider since they will determine your authority over at Fiverr and your gigs in a professional way.
Upgrading Your Gig
Always remember that with Fiverr, you can also upgrade your gigs to make more money. The best thing Fiverr has provided as of the moment is you can make more money by upgrading your gig business. How?
Fiverr introduces Fiverr Levels. This is an offer ingeniously mastered by the owner and administrators of Fiverr in which you have to level up to access the different tool to aid you in making more money...and this is to your disposal.
And much more...
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