Feb 2012 Product

Family Fortitude
This ebook contain the following contents
Family Relationship Basics
Figure Out What Is Missing
Identify Your Goals
Try New Things
Take Action
How Not Fixing Your Family Relationships Can Harm Your Life
Family Relationship Basics
There are several stages in every family relationship of which some are good and some are very trying indeed, while yet others are just simply very difficult. Understanding and learning to cope with all the various different stages will help make better and stronger family ties in the long run.
Within any family relationship journey there are several different elements that all the members have to deal with such as the challenges of the parents being in the work force, juggling the children’s and their schedules, the introduction or loss of family members, and the list is never ending.
Some may find that reading or learning from the examples of other relatively successful family relationships can be helpful while others prefer to make their own rules and mistakes as they go along. Though each individual has their own thoughts on this, it is very important to realize that some compromises have to be made if some level of success is to be achieved and maintained.
Learning the art of finding and focusing on what is right with each family member within the unit rather than constantly harping only on the negatives. Always making an effort to give each other the benefit of the doubt is also encouraged.
Learning to cope with or try out as many methods as it takes to manage and truly accept the frustrations, disappointments and hurt that are bound to occur along the way.
Figure Out What Is Missing
Going through a relationship especially the family relationship without acknowledging there are problems is not very wise and can cause very serious repercussions.
One way of overcoming this is to try and find out what is missing or causing this unbalance. There are several ways this can be done and here are just a few areas that should be given due consideration:
When most family relationship start out there is a preconceived idea of how things should be and most of the time these ideas do not play out well in reality. Being able to adjust accordingly is always better than stubbornly sticking to one’s own agenda.
ï‚· Understanding and expecting that there are going to be some changes occurring along the way is another important element to factor in. If all the members of the family are not made aware of the importance of this fundamental point then there will definitely be a lot of tension built up that will eventually results in a lot of pain and heartache.
ï‚· Being open to seeking advice and even counseling from parties that have the necessary tools to help should be an automatic reaction when problems cannot be solved within the family amicably.
Identify Your Goals
There are several types of goal setting exercises that can be adopted to suit the need of a family unit. These goals will vary greatly from one family to another, so there is a need to define what the family goals are as a unit and as individuals within the family. When this is successfully done then the identification of the necessary element that will produce the desired results can then be designed.
Family goals are a very powerful way to build trust, communication, togetherness and many other positive elements. It’s also a good way to encouraging children to learn how to set goals within their own little worlds. Here are some recommendations that can be followed in the pursuit to identifying and setting goals:
ï‚· The exercise of setting goals should be done with the participation of every family member. This participation should be active rather than passive and age should not be a deterrent. Younger children can sometimes be surprisingly insightful and can come up with very workable solutions to a particular goal.
ï‚· Limiting the amount of goals the family has to work with is also advised. When there is too much going on, there will be very little concentrated focus on actually making a success of the goal and its eventual positive results.
And much more...
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